
Anyone had experience with acupuncture and homeopathy with fertility issues?

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I have had two treatments of acupuncture in my quest for a baby. I have low progestrone and random cycles so this was suggested. The homeopath took a sample of my hair to test and came back to me saying my left ovary functions to 90% capacity and right ovary to only 10% capacity. This has made me sad and not good about my chances. I wish i could leave well alone and leave it up to gods way instead of trying to find answers and solutions because often i end up feeling disappointed and like its never going to happen. They also said that I need to get more blood flow to my uterus. Anyone had any experience with homeopathy/acupuncture and can suggest how much i should take on board from them/??? Many thanks x x




  1. I would continue your acupuncture treatments, but don't continue to see that homeopathic doctor.  Good luck.

  2. There is absolutely no way in h**l that a hair sample could tell you the functioning levels of your ovaries.  If this was possible, trust me every reproductive endocrinologist would be grabbing hair samples from their patients.  Do not let this info you have gotten from the homeopath affect you in any way.  Know that this homeopath is a quack.  

    Acupuncture improves blood flow in your body.  It also helps to reduce stress.  This is very helpful when trying to conceive.  Acupuncture could only help you.  It would not hurt you.  

    Make an appointment with a reproductive endocrinologist.  They are specialists in women's cycles and infertility.  They will be best suited to help you.  They will be able to better determine what the problem might be and how to treat it.  Use acupuncture, herbs and anything else natural as a supplement to enhance your chances and improve your overall health.  

  3. I'm preparing for an IVF cycle, as is one of my girlfriends, and both of our REs (two separate doctors) recommend acupuncture to help the process.  There are Western medicine beliefs about acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine beliefs.  The acupuncture clinic we are using specializes in fertility and TCM, though all of the employee I've seen are white (which I find interesting).  They understand our doctor's beliefs and respect their wishes regarding our protocols, but they still have a different perspective.  They have undergone extensive training in the area and are very knowledgeable about our situations in particular.  They've diagnosed me through looking at my tongue, feeling my organs and taking my pulse a funny way.  I've been told that I have a cold uterus and they are treating me for that through abdominal massage, diet, and acupuncture.  If you Google cold uterus, a whole bunch of stuff comes up.  Traditional Chinese Medicine has been around for thousand of years and has helped millions of people.  Even though I don't really understand it, I believe in it.  Sometimes it's hard to understand American medicine as well.  Good luck!!!

  4. i am planning to take this road too. and i'm hoping it would be favorable. i know how you're feeling but i guess we really do need to take tests and try to cover everything we can. maybe God's just making us ready to be moms.

    keep your chin up, no matter how hard it is.

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