
Anyone had only 1 child throughout thier child baring life?

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How did you make this decision and do you regret not having more?

Ive got 1 boy and im seriously wondering if this should be it?




  1. I've never had a child, but i'm 23 and grew up as an only child, so i figured you might want the other side's perception.........My mother left my father when i was a year old, she planned to start another family with more childern, white picket fence, the works......but it never happened. Wrong man, wrong time, whatever it was. She says she would have wanted more children, but it wasnt in the cards. She and i are extremly close, she's my best friend. I can tell you that i'm spoiled, not with money, or objects, but my mothers love. Sharing was a big lesson early on, due to not having siblings to learn from. I've never expreiance a sibling relationship, but i am very curious. I can say being an only child has it's benifits, but if your in the situation to be blessed with more love, go for it.

  2. Daft idea, he will go on and on and on about a brother or sister. In fact it doesnt matter how many kids you have. The youngest one will always want a brother or a sister and beg you to have another child. Heres me 4 kids later and my youngest one is demanding now. Thank god i am in my forties so i have a good excuse. lol

  3. I have no child by now. But what's wrong with having only 1 child?


  5. I'm nearly 40 and have one boy also.

    The reason i never had anymore children was because of my medical condition. (I could still have children).

    My son also has autism which we didn't find out till he was 12 so in a way I never regretted my decision as he needs my full attention.

    It is up to you on how you feel but If you think you cannot handle another child for any reason then sure its ok to have only one child.

  6. My husband and I have one son.

    It wasn't a decision we made to have only one, it was because of medical problems - we are lucky to have the one we do! I wasn't diagnosed at the time I had him at 30, but found out later I have PCOS and would have had it since high school. Before we married, we seriously hoped to have a big family -- he comes from a family of 11, and me from one of six. Our friends and family members have three to five children, too.

    Yes, I think we both wish we could have had more. However, we made the decision to not go any tech. route, and in the end were happy with that decision. Our one son is amazing, and we have a wonderful family as is! He's got lots of friends, has always been around cousins similar aged to him - and is a good, grounded boy - not spoiled whatsoever, just a nice kid.

    And from my son's perspective - times he has talked about what it is like to be 'single' as he calls it - wishing to have had siblings; but then there are other times his cousins have been over, and there is one family with five kids, and he's then totally grateful (and tells us) that it's only him!

    However, I see the side of being one of six kids myself, now with our parents gone, we have one another as family...

  7. I am an only child.  Which is certain respects are great however when it comes to having a brother or sister, I feel that I missed out on something.  Also when you are older one day, your child will be solely responsible for you.  At least with  they can share and support each other.  Sometimes there is just stuff you do not want to talk to your parents about and it would be nice to have someone who is the same age to be able to talk with.  I am now 33 and have two beautiful children and I am so glad that we had our second child.  At first I also only wanted one child however I saw that my child needed to have someone of similar age than she is.  My children are 2 years apart.

    No-one can tell you what to do.  Listen to your heart!!!

  8. I haven't had kids yet, but I plan on it within the next 7 years or so.

    But my mom is an only child, her mom's an only child, and I'm an only child.

    I've got to say, I'm not spoiled like I could be, and my mom told me that she's happy she only had one for fear of how I might have turned out with a skinner, less hairy, blue eyed, straighter haired sister. =D

    But I don't think it's one of those things to say "that's it" forever and be done with it.

    Our neighbor got her stuff taken out, and she regrets it now because she wants another. So... I think it's something to be very careful about.

    Think about your child's personality, your means and situation, and imagine life with another child.

    My mom didn't want to have any more because she's a singer and wanted a career. She didn't like giving birth, and even though I wasn't a bad, super screamy kid, she said it took a lot out of her. AND she got divorced when I was 8.

    So good luck in your decision! Talk to your partner and your son (if he's old enough) and see what they think too!

  9. I have one son and don't regret not having any more.

    I think I made the decision when I was still in labour lol.  I was in labour for 27 hours and was in shock when he was finally born.  After that I knew there was no way I was going to go through that again.  

    Apart from that, I couldn't afford to have another one anyway.  I was lucky that I had family to help out and look after him when I was at work, and would have had to give up work if I had another kid.  

    People used to say it was a bit cruel, but I think it's much more common these days for people to only have one child.  It doesn't seem to bother my son, he's never really mentioned it and it's good because he has a cousin the same age who he's with a lot.  

  10. hi..i had 1 child through my child baring years, but when i married the drs. told me i couldn't have any children. my husband had a boy and a girl, so i figured, Hey, ok i'll except that. But Mr. Stud Muffin put a bunn in my oven, and my Dr. litterally Jumped in the air with glee.

    As far as having more children of my Own? nahh 1 was plenty. I was blessed 100 fold.

  11. I have one child and don't regret it at all! I'm glad I didn't have any more. Decision was easy, as I saw others who had more and the negatives outweighed the positives by far.

    Another factor that helped me decide was when an acquaintance died of cancer leaving behind 2 small children and their father.

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