
Anyone had their baby took of them by social services?

by  |  earlier

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had your baby took of u by social services and u did nothing wrong. i went through it. just want to here from othet people. professional negligance exists u know




  1. One of your previous questions said that your friend had had her baby taken off her too.

  2. So does ignorance, by the sounds of it.

  3. Yes my son and daughter were taken from me because of lies you will have to hire your own lawyer but in the future invest in prepaid legal and i found two websites that can help you in the future and i will say a pray for you.

  4. yes and everyday is a struggle to get through without them and trying to understand what you have actually done to deserve the torment in your life. Its so hard and theres not many people out there that understand exactly what your going through

  5. They will make a 'plan' for you to get back your child.  What you need to do to is follow that plan to the letter.  If you do, you should have your child back in less than a year.

    - Make all appointments

    - Be attentive to your child when you visit them

    - Take any required drug tests (missing a test is a 'positive')

    - Take any classes

    - Behave respectfully and politely

    Also, you likely have a CASA or other volunteer assigned to you.  Listen and work with them.  They are there to help.

  6. well no but im 13 so i feel sorry for you

  7. Social services...what a joke!

    I used to work for a mental health facility and when those people would come in, I never cooperated with them. I saw them wreck more homes and do more damage to children. They would come in demanding that I give them charts and facility records because they would be due in court that day if not within hours. I would always tell them that they needed a judge to sign off a request for the records and although that really kept ALL social workers in that county mad at me, I didn't care.  I couldn't do much but I did what I could to stop them from furthering the pain they would inflict on families. Many parents and children would come in and thank me afterwards.

    It seems that the cases that truly need attention are "investigated" forever and nothing is done to help those kids (they would end up getting killed or hurt in some way), but the cases that nothing really happened...or just a simple phone call was made are the ones that they would just jump all over. Social workers take the easy way out with their jobs too. If it's going to require too much legwork, paperwork or phone calls, they are going to just forget that child exists...but if it's a simple case where they can swoop in and throw the child in foster care, they're all vigilant and wanting to "make a difference". I have a strong dislike in them just as much as therapists.

    I think the agency needs to be dismantled because it leaves too much room for someone just trying to be a troublemaker to succeed in breaking up homes and disrupt the lives of families. All the while, children that are in real danger are never given any real attention. For example, they never investigate claims in foster homes. State facilitated foster homes have a much higher abuse rate, either physical, mental or sexual. But because of one stupid law, they can't immediately go in and remove children (put there BY social services after being yanked from a family home) because foster parents are protected by the law more than birth parents.

    The whole system is a sham, it doesn't work and is a waste of taxpayers dollars. The caseworkers aren't really educated in the field of child development or psychology either. As a matter of fact, most caseworkers don't even have social degrees!!

    I hope justice comes to your side and you get your baby back.

  8. I am an attorney for my state's Social Services.  In most states, not all, DSS has no authority to remove children, only the police and the judges do.  You can focus your anger on DSS, but more than likely, it was law enforcement or a judge that made the decision.  

    Most DSS angencies are underfunded and without sufficient foster homes to meet the demand.  Most are more than eager to try to reunify families.  

    For your situation, the first, best thing to do is offer the case worker an alternative placement option.  Give them a list of willing relatives your child(ren) can stay with.  Volunteer to help them gather the background information they'll need.  Even if you have relatives out of state, there is a process called the Interstate Compact for the Placement of Children through which your child(ren) can be placed with your family in another state.  

    Go to your Family or Domestic Relations Court, ask for the clerk of court, and request an application for an appointed attorney to represent you.  Do NOT represent yourself.

    Finally, as angry and hurt as I know you are, social workers are human beings, and yelling/arguing with them will not inspire them to help you.  Act cooperative, even if you are faking it, and ask them for their help.  If they feel empowered by you and that you want their help, you will probably see a big difference in how quickly things move forward for you and your child(ren).  

    I hope this gets resolved for you quickly.

  9. WAAAAAAT???? look honey let me tell u something, social service have  NOOOOOOO RIGHT TO TAKE ANYONES BABY, maybe on drug occassions if the parent is single, but if u spank ur child and some social service come knocking at the door, ask him or her, who carried the child for nine months?

  10. They took your baby FROM you because you are IGNORANT and UNFIT.  Did you proofread your question before you posted it?

  11. yes my son was put in foster care while went in hospital  and when i got out they wouldnt give my son back

  12. well i ha vent got kids but i can see what your say in i feel so sad for you that isn't right there are people out there taking drugs after drugs and don't get there children taken away from them and thers people like yourself who haven't did nothing wrong !!! i would seek a solicitor advice !!!!!!

  13. Jenny, how old are you?  Are you from the US?

  14. social services wont take ur chilrden for no reason! it has to be pretty concrete evidence for them to come baby snatching! or either somebodys putting the buzzard over ur head (telling lies about you), seen that happen once before!

  15. Not personally no.   But I am aware that this is happening in the UK as a direct result of Local Authorities being awarded cash incentives for meeting adoption targets.

    It was intended to reduce the number of children in foster care.  Unfortunately, it's backfired and resulted in more babies being taken from their families for dubious reasons.  

    It is for this reason that the incentive scheme is to be abolished as of April 1, 2008 and I do hope that families who have been proven innocent of any accusations against them get not only justice, but their families reunited.

    You can see from the stats what this cash incentive policy has done:  The number of newborn babies removed from their parents has almost doubled from 540 in 1995 to 1,400 in 2005/6. Yet the policy has failed to reduce the number of infants murdered, which rose in the same period from 17 to 24.

    Although the number of babies adopted has risen, the numbers for older children -the ones the policy was meant to help - have gone down.

    I can direct you to other people you might relate to

  16. no, i haven't ever had my children removed....

    social services wants to keep the children in the home WITH the parents. they don't just remove your kids to be mean or to give you a hard time.

  17. yes and i'm still p/o

  18. nearly i fighting at the moment i know neglagence exsits im happy to talk do you know where to get extra help and where to find the laws on this type of criminal activity (the worst kind of criminal activity )expose them for the truth of what they are

  19. I have never had mine taken but am adopting 2 that were taken from mom. How long ago was yours taken?              I too read you other posts...said you lost a twin in pregnancy 2 years ago?   and you are pregnant with a boy now and your friend lost a child also to social services?  hmmmmm

  20. Sorry to hear that.  You should fight for your baby.  Maybe get your GED while you're at it.

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