
Anyone has an addvise on how to treat animia?

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i bacame animic and is been very hard to get back to normal i been taking some b12 shots but recooparetion is to slow. is anyone ot there with the same proble that can give me an advice or what madesine or vitimins are good iam taking shots of bedoyecta every week and some time shots of doloneurobion.please help. thanks.




  1. OK this is something that works with alot of people

    1.- Stop drinking milk, no dairy products.

    2.- Increase the orange juice intake.

    3.- Eat cow's liver. This will give you B12 and Iron enought in short time, you can also include the chicken liver.

  2. Mix 2 organic small egg yolks with 1 tea spoon honey, some cocoa powder, and if you are adult. half a teaspoon rum. Mix it with a mixer until bubbling, then drink it.

  3. Try spirulina--it is fairly inexpensive and very good for the blood cells and the body....

  4. The name of the disease is anemia probably brought about by a lack of iron in your diet. The treatment you are receiving will cure the condition. Please don't muck it up by taking vitamins or supplements as well.

  5. Please also ensure that you are also getting enough calcium and vitamin D (known as the sunshine vitamin) and vitamin B6 as all these are needed for the effective assimilation of iron in your body ..........  foods that are rich in calcium and vitamin D are cold water fishes such as tuna, sardines and salmon .......  leafy and green vegies & organic nuts & seeds (ground up to aid in digestion of same) are also good sources of calcium ..........  increasing your intake of calcium and vitamin D rich foods such as these will also help resolve any issues you may have with insomnia, headaches & migraines, irritability and moodiness and also will do a fine job of levelling out your mood & stress levels.

    It would be a fantastic idea to take  a multi B complex supplement containing all the B's ie ~ B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12 and folate etc.... as they all work best as a group.... don't buy any of the B complex of vitamins individually but rather as a whole group unless a nutritionally oriented physician or naturopath specifically tells you to do so.

    The B complex of vitamins is  a water soluble complex and as such our bodies can neither store or produce them ,   therefore we need to ingest them on a daily basis or suffer the ensuing stress related side affects .......... any excess you ingest will simply be excreted in your urine .......  always follow the recommended amounts to take and do discuss this information with your physician first ............  good health to you ♥



  6. If you have anemia due to a  B12 deficiency then the B12 shots should work soon.  

    I don't know the other drugs that you mentioned.

    One of the best Natural products for Iron deficiency anemia is called Floradix.  It is a liquid that is made from iron rich herbs in an orange juice base.  It is pleasant tasting.   If you have  moderately severe anemia you can take it 3 times a day.   Good Luck!

  7. It would depend on the cause of the anemia.  Anemia itself is not a disease but a sign of some other medical condition- one of the most common is stomach ulcers.

    Since you are currently taking B-12, Bedoyecta (a multivitamin, common in Mexico- heavy on b vitamins) and Dolo-neurobion (a b-complex formula with acetaminophen) the first question would seem to be why?  One assumes there must be an underlying health condition  which called for the heavy load of B vitamins, which do not treat anemia.

    At any rate, a simple treatment for anemia (but not the underlying cause) is 1/4 cup of beet juice mixed with 3/4 cup fresh carrot juice daily.

  8. eat iron rich foods like red meat and spinach. your doc may prescribe iron supplements as well.

  9. I'm asuming that you are B12 deficient NOT iron, correct as you mentioned B12 in your question.

    If you've been doing the shots and everything, ask your Dr. if you can take an extra supplement of it, but ask first!!  There really is no way to hurry this along.  I mean, think about it.  Your body is deficient in something (think of your body as a corn silo,) so now it has to be built back up, sometimes from scratch or pretty close to it.  Just as filling that silo with corn is going to take awhile until it's full, so is your body.

    You can try eating a little more meat since meat is a good source of B12.  But otherwise you just need to be patient and wiat.

  10. I wouldn't take anything on top of the supplements your doc is giving you.  You can overdose on supplements and cause much more problems for yourself.  Good luck and just try to be patient.

  11. its actually spelled anemia and anemic. i'm also anemic but all i have to do is take iron supplements and eat healthier. although from what i'm reading its probably a different type of anemia.

    forgive my randomosity, i'm a lil tipsy still.

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