
Anyone has an idea on how to become or apply for the position of becoming an locomotive engineer?

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I've been reading for awhile and a few good points have been made, but still no answer. Does anyone have a stepping stone to give me or even slight advice on how I can apply or where to apply? I dont mind being a conductor or brakeman for alittle




  1. Andy's advice is right. Train service is the entry level for engineer position.

    When railroads hire for train service they typically take class transfers from other departments first.

    I would guess at least half our engineers started with the railroad in other departments, usually as track department laborers.

    If you really are serious, don't limit yourself to one location or railroad, apply for as many as you can find in your area.

    Sometimes shortline or regional railroads are easier to get on with than the Class 1s.

    And be persistant, most people have had to apply more than once.

    Good Luck.

  2. Railroads hire out of the ranks from trainmen now.So the only way to become an engineer is to hire out in train service and then apply for engineer.Where i work it takes about 5 years before you have enough seniority to be eligible for engine service.So start with going to the railroads websites and put in an application.If you are drug free with no felonies on your record and are willing to work all hours of the day and night go for it.The lifestyle of the railroad isn't for everyone.But it does pay well and has good benefits.

  3. With most railroads like CSX, BNSF and Norfolk Southern, they want you to become a Freight Conductor first and then within one year start training for engineer. In fact it's usually mandatory to train for engineer after 1 year, especially with Norfolk Southern.

  4. i have for a long whilse always really wanted to lnow this same question but knowbody really knows. i live on tracks and see and hear nothing on thes. plees help

  5. Go to a train company and ask for an application for employment, if you are qualified they will hire you.  If they need engineers, they will train you for the job.

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