
Anyone has probs with external drive power supply?

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I recently modded my Western Digital Elements 500Gb external hard disk from external to internal power.

What happened was that the included adapter for it (made by AcBel, model nr AD6008) suddenly stopped working (which by goggling it, turned out to have happened to a lot of people). After looking at what I would be charged for a new one (~50EUR), I decided to see if there were other options.

I went to check out some threads regarding the computer internal power supply and it turns out that CD/DVD, HDD and Floppy disk are all supplied with 5V/12V, which is exactly what is needed for most external hard drives as well.

Long story short, this is how you do:

How to change an external hard disk power supply to internal

Anyone has had similar experiences with WD external HDD?




  1. yes,,,my Adapter 6008 will power up but when u plug it into the External Hard drive, the adapter loses power...called WD and they said they are out of stock to replace it,,,I have called for 2 weeks and get the same line,,,will look at how to change it to an internal shortly....

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