
Anyone hate NBC for not broadcasting the Olympics live as much as I do?

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  1. I hate everyone.

  2. nope - life is too short to hate

    One time ABC showed ALL the Olympics

    was the worst ratings bomb of the year - and they paid dearly for all the overseas cable charges to get it back to the states

    and we watched our soaps

  3. i feel your hate because it shouda been on in the morning

  4. I hate them as well.

    But its business, if you wanted to make money on commercials, wouldn't you broadcast your program when the largest audience is watching?

  5. Yes, I am attempting to watch it at this very moment...I share your anger-NBC is in it for ratings over convenience...all they care about is the bottom line

  6. Well, yeah it always sucks, but unless the ceremonies are held nearby, we better get used to it. (Remember the 2000 Syndney games?)

    They show the taping because we (or at least me in the U.S.) ranges from 14 to 11 hours behind Beijing, so from a ratings perspective, no one could've watched the ceremony live (everyone will have gone to work), and most of the popular sports will air prime time to make more money. Not to mention I'd get yelled at at work if caught cheering at the TV. ;)

    Go Vancouver 2010!

  7. NBC basically blows. and where the h**l is it on YOUTUBE??? I haven't been able to find anything on there. I am a soldier in Iraq so I can't even watch the expanded coverage on their site since I am "in another country" I HATE NBC

  8. YES!!! Its on YouTube though

  9. I hate them so much! Not just the opening ceremony...

    They keep emphasizing that we are going to watch Michael Phelps 400IM final LIVE! But, which is not true! My family and friends all over the world have watched it live which is three hours earlier than NBC. I have to keep telling my friends not to tell me the results.

    They bought the right to show it Live. They are the only station that can broadcast live but they don't want to show it Live. What a joke?!  

  10. Probably more

  11. do u mean the opening ceremony? it was on at like 9am est no one would have watched it,it just Makes sense to have it one later on delay

  12. I do. I'm not watching it because I rather watch it live. My parents & the rest of my family right now is watching it right now anyways though haha.


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