
Anyone have Air Conditioning in thier home ?

by  |  earlier

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  1. But of course! Wouldn't be without it!

  2. I don't have air in my home, or my car..I don't need it, I love the hot weather,but.I do enjoy my fan

    of course I don't live in a hot hasn't even gotten past 90 degrees yet this summer.

  3. yes me

  4. I sure do come on over I'll make you dinner make some cool drinks watch a good Chick flick or Comedy. Love and Hugs sweetie. xx Sug.

  5. Yes, central air why?

  6. Of course; but my friend doesnt and its horrible in her house .. so hot and gross ..

  7. eh..yes

  8. yes

  9. yes, of course... so, what's the question?

  10. We have an air conditioner in our bedroom, one in the living room, and one in our dining room.

  11. No i don`t darling.

  12. nope  : )  

  13. I have air conditioning but I hardly ever use it as I find that it gives me a sore throat. However during March and April when it is seriously hot i.e 40 degrees centigrade it is an absolute necessity. I have oscillating fans which I have on most of the time that I am at home and my windows are open 24 hours a day.

  14. In my home in Spain there is full air conditioning in every room.

  15. No, not anymore

  16. Yep, it needs a fan to boost cool air up out of the basement, but it works.

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