
Anyone have Ideas for me and my friend's webshow? Best answer gets 5 stars!!!?

by  |  earlier

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Me and my friend have the best web show and set. The only problem is that we have no ideas right now! The web show is so funny you lol you might cry! So please tell me as many super funny things as possible!

P.S. THE BEST ANSWER GETS 5 STARS so please use your imagination and give me lots of ideas :]]] Tell me your e-mail address so you can be a member of my website and see our webshow!!! THANKS!




  1. You have a book discussion on 1984 by George Orwell. Yeah that should work out fine... just kidding. I have no idea. nevermind yes I do. You and your friend can TRY to eat everything that Michael Phelps eats in a day in the amount of time there is in your show. It's Olympic fever!! hope it helps (though it kind of sucks) but he eats like a horse... so make sure you have some Pepto Bismol.

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