
Anyone have a Kidney Stone/Infection? What does it feel like?

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Every once in a while (maybe 2 times a week) I wake up in the morning with very sharp pains in lower sides of the back.

Usually when I breathe in it is very very sharp (hurting pretty bad)!

It seems like it happens when a drink alot of soda the day before.

Someone told me it could be kidney stone.




  1. It could be. I have had several bouts with stones and they can last for months sometimes as they move down your body into the different areas. The only way to tell for sure is through x-rays or cat scan. Also watch your urine for cloudiness or discoloration (blood in urine) With my stones, the symptoms would come and go until the very end when they would be passing. I would have bouts of pain in my sides and back. This is how it would start. Towards the end it gets unbearable. Like being in labor....................

  2. The sharp pains are usually from when a kidney stone leaves your kidney and gets stuck in your ureter.  Mainly the first thing you start feeling is something like lower back pain, and it progressivly gets worse.  Kidney stones are EXTREMELY painful depending on the size.  If you have pains that often you need to see a doctor, and they may recommend you to a Urologist.  I get kidney stones frequently, and my urologist prescribes me Demerol.  The last one had me in the ER begging for relief....................

  3. i have had all sorts of sizes of kidney stones off and on for years. when i first feel one coming on i have sudden pain in my low to mid back, right and or left flank pain. I feel nauseated, feel like i have to urinate frequently and yet i cannot always pass urine. i get headaches, fever and chills. this can go on for months and months or just a few weeks. once in a while i can actually see blood in my urine but not too often. i have passed some at home but this is only cuz i'm already on pain medication for other problems. 9 out of 10 times i have to call an ambulance, if i'm alone or have someone rush me in to the ER. i've had stones pass at the ER that were so small you could hardly see them with the naked eye but it felt like an elephant was moving its way through. once they reach the bladder, for women at least, the pain usually stops. if you think you may have a stone you could go see a urologist. try to avoid high calcium foods and increase vitamin d. vitamin d helps to process calcium. stones can be composed of other elements, i forget what. but calcium is usually the main cause. try for more info.

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