
Anyone have a Samsung HDTV? Do you like it?

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Anyone have a Samsung HDTV? Do you like it?




  1. I have a 42" samsung plasma, but before I bought the TV (for bedroom) I first looked at the Pioneer Elite plasma as reference.  The Pioneer was too much money, so I compared every other TV to see how it matched with the Pioneer.

    After six months of comparing and doing research, I finally narrowed it down to the Panasonic and The Samsung, but when getting the salesman to placing the three TV's (Panasonic, Pioneer and Samsung) side by side it was the Samsung that almost matched the Pioneer the closest.  Granted the Pioneer had slightly deeper balck levels and just a hair sharper picture, I figured after I got it home, I could calibrate the TV to get it as close to the Pioneer as possible.

    So I bought the Samsung and couldnt be happier, saved myself 3,000 over the Pioneer and enjoy awesome picture quality.

  2. yes!! I love it it`s a 60 inches one and it makes me feel like I am in the movie theater,besides that, it`s sound is great.

  3. I have a 42" plasma... can't remember the spex, but it's more than amazing, I love it!

    I remember at the store seeing how vividly colorful it was, and the color black is rich rather than dull.  Forget Sony Bravia, they're pricey for no reason.

    And if you read the reviews in sites such as Amazon, they'll tell you how superior Samsung's quality is to any Bravia.  

    Plus for the quality you're getting, you're spending a lot less than other brands.

    **Just make sure you purchase an HDMI cable for your DVD player, cable, etc... for the best picture.

  4. I have a Samsung 52" 1080p

    I really have enjoyed it, no problems. It really is up to personal taste and preference along with how much you're willing to spend.

    I chose the LCD over the plasma, you may feel the opposite.

    Just make sure you really like whatever it is you get because a week later you'll see a better one that's cheaper lol

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