
Anyone have a adoption that totally stressed you and your husband out? I'm on are third birthmother?

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The first two mothers didnt place! Very nervous ! The baby is due any day know and I keep praying this is the one!




  1. That's part of the risk. Even with a well counseled birth mother she still has the right to change her mind.

    Good Luck

  2. I don't personally know how you feel from an adoptive parent's standpoint just yet, but I do have two close friends who are adopting and it's been h**l for them. They have been through so many children who were so close to coming home with them, and then they get the news that they child was placed with someone else. It's heartbreaking to watch, I can't even imagine the pain that you're going through.

    However, right now my friends have a baby who was matched to them, that they are about to go pick up, with in a couple of weeks, and she'll be their daughter. They're excited out of their minds.

    One day, the right baby will be there, and you'll get him or her. Good luck and try and keep your spirits up, it will happen one day.

  3. What do you mean the first 2 birth mothers didnt place?  You make it sound like a bloody horse race.  These are human beings you are dealing with here - they are not breeding machines.  Have a little compassion, please.

  4. I knew what you meant. They didn't place the baby with you. You didn't make it sound like a horse race. Stress during the adoption process, especially at the stage you're in, is completely normal.

    I think you've got the right idea. Just keep praying. Since you seem religious, I'll assume you believe God has a plan for everyone. He has one for you and your husband. Just believe!

    Good luck, God bless :)

  5. Ethically speaking shouldn't we be thankful that the mothers chose to parent their children, because that would be the best possiblity for the children? Preventing the initial trauma of loss of mother on infant which scars people for life is not in a childs best interests. If a child can stay with the mother, they should.

    Instead of looking at this from a "failed" point of view, isn't this really a success story? Shouldn't you be praying that she is able to get herself together and keep her child so that the child can have the best chance at a good beginning?

    not praying for loss, separation and trauma in order to fullfill YOUR dreams of having a child? If we really loved the children wouldn't we want to do what is right for them compared to what WE want?

  6. I hope it does go well for you this time.

    It is hard. I am a foster child and saw a lot of my brothers and sisters being adopted out.

    You will be fine, one day you will have your own baby to love and hold!


  7. Yep, I remember that all to well. It was my third birth mother who finally placed with me. She was older, 26 while the other two where 13 and 15. My case worker told me the older ones usually place. But I got to tell you that I did not draw an easy breath till we finalized everything. My birth mother signed conditional relinquishment papers that if the birth father tried to fight it, the baby would go back to her. You have my prayers

  8. I would be more worried about making sure that the adoption is ethical than attaining someone else's child.  I

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