
Anyone have a bill you just cant afford no matter car,mortgage, credit card..if so how are you?

by  |  earlier

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handling the situation?




  1. Oh baby believe me I know the feeling. I`m living it too. And you are right,everything is up accept your wages. And it does seem like everyone not of our country or for whatever the cause, gets help before we can. But i know a man who can make a way out of no way. You know him too. Whatever God you serve go to him. He will see you through this. He`s guideing me along, and I know their is light at the end of the tunnel. Be patient until you reach it. Don`t fail your test!

  2. nope always had control I look down on the people who live way beyond their means when it all falls apart & they come to take it back, little by little & your credit is shot just remember the "good times" (short & sweet)

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