
Anyone have a broken leg that did not heal?

by  |  earlier

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Fortunately, mine will be OK..Out of the cast and rehab is effective. But, I have heard of instances where the leg does not heal at all or not heal properly.




  1. In January. I broke my leg. Im a teenager so I guess I'm still growing but guess what? I have orthopedic problems. When I was born i had club feet, feet were turned in etc., not a lot of muchles in lower legs, etc. etc.

    My orthopedist wanted to see me and how I was heeling a week after I broke my leg. He took x-rays and my leg didn't heal at all, actually got worse. So the next day i had emergency surgery and got 2 screws put in my tibia. I was in dier pain the days after i broke my leg but after the surgery I healed very well!  

  2. It's called nonunion. It happens w/ old age or illness, and also w/ compound fractures and infections. Sometimes the bones heal in the wrong position too.  

  3. A broken bone that does not heal, even after being properly set by medical professionals, is usually the sign of a more serious disease, like kidney disease or cancer.  Poor healing is especially common in the elderly.

    ANY broken bone should be taken care of by a doctor, and the "follow up" visits should be kept.  The doctor, if he sees signs of bad healing, should begin testing for other possibilities.

  4. I developed a stress fracture while doing rehab after my break. Maybe its related to the earlier injury?

  5. Yes.  Non union and infection took mine.

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