
Anyone have a cat named Shadow?

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Anyone have a cat named Shadow?




  1. Shadow? Nope, can't say I do.

  2. No, but I like this name!

  3. Well, Shadow was my baby!

    He followed me everywhere after I adopted him and his brothers. (they were dumped on our property in the country)

    One day, he followed me on my bike and ran behind me for a mile.


    he died, sadly, after he went in the street and, well....

    *sad face*

    but yes, Shadow, yes, what a babe.

  4. My grey cat is name shadow! So I do! :)

  5. My friend has a cat named shadow.!  

  6. i will tell you the names of my cats:










    and 10)curious

  7. My Great Great Aunt Grace now in her 80's, who lives in Portsmouth, UK used to have a huge grey fluffy cat called Shadow. They had about 10 cats and lived in the middle of knowhere in a farm cottage. Shadow was much more unusual that the other cats, he was huge as I have already mentioned and was really fluffy, he used to go off for months on end, don't know where, but he disappeared. It was quite spooky as we only visited my Great Great Aunt Grace and Great Great Uncle Horace like each 1-2 years but each time we visited Shadow would appear after being away for months. We would be sitting in the lounge and he would jump up on the window sill outside at night and peek through the glass. It was so bizarre for him to turn up each time we where there.

  8. Nope i dont like the common names

    my cats names are




  9. Hi Michael,

    Shadow is not a particularly unusual name for a black or grey cat....Very cute though.

    If you are looking for an unusual name for a black cat could I suggest Liquorice ?    

    We had a kitten by this name once, looking after it for my sister, but when they took it home they changed their mind and called it Sooty instead!  

    We also had a lovely dark chocolate brown kitten/cat who was called Koko (cocoa)  

    Our current cats are a pair of gingers and we had a long list of names for them (including Scarlett and Rhett/Fred and Ginger) which went out of the window when they arrived home - "He looks like a Charlie" and that was it!

    Best wishes,  

  10. I have a cat named shadow, though I'm not sure why she's named that, she is several colors and she's not one to hide.

  11. yes and she is my shadow,that's why i called it her cause she follows me everywhere,she  has been following me everywhere since she was a kitten,and is 15 now and still sticks to me like glue.

  12. omg i do! he is a gray cat and is very fat lol :]  he is like 20 lbs. haha we tried putting him on a diet so we used science diet and mixed it with iams cat food and he picked out all the science diet and ate the iams food hahahaha i love him he is soo cute

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