
Anyone have a cheap or free hamster!?

by  |  earlier

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i want a hamster please help but cheap i dont really have dat much money from babysitting .....but cute ...and maby a cage and stuff with it too like da water dang,cage,food thing,maby food and bedding, but ya




  1. Hamsters are really cheap, they're like ten dollars apiece. Sorry, but the cage and stuff might be a bit expensive, so save up.

  2. check out .........

    you can adopt pets off this site.

    Good luck

    Jon  mac

  3. A hamster starter kit only cost like $25 dollars at petsmart.. and as for the animal itself it only cost $5-12....

    So you're looking at 40 bucks tops... which is pretty affordable..

  4. No offense meant. DO NOT GET A HAMSTER!!!

    If you can't afford a hamster, it is unlikely you will be able to afford its bedding and food as well. And what do you think will happen if he falls ill? Will you have enough money for a vet? Hamsters are not just 'creatures', once you buy one, it is your responsibility to make sure you can give it the best you can. If the best you can give involves not going to the vet, don't get a hamster.

    You could however, go for other pets whose cost of maintainence is not high.

    Guppies or other types of fish


    Frogs/ Toads

    I would recommend guppies or other small fishes since there is nothing expensive about them, and the only maintainence you have to do is clean the aquarium and feed them

  5. sorry   but  no.I  had  a  hamster   and    got   it   $   the  


  6. just catch a street rat instead if your not well-off

  7. sometimes petco or petsmart has them available for adoption.  if you decide you really want one though you might want to take a look at how much supplies cost.  it's not always cheap and once or twice a month you will have to get more food and bedding supplies.  just a thought.

  8. try craigslist

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