
Anyone have a child under the age of 6 on Ritalin???

by  |  earlier

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Hello All,

My son, who turned 4 in July, has just been placed on Ritalin. I have heard good and bad things about this medication, even researched it on the internet, but I am still feeling wary, I'm guessing because of the bad things that I have heard and/or read.

If anyone knows anything about this medication, or their child is on it, please give me any information that you can. I really appreciate it. Thanks! :)




  1. You should try behavior modification classes instead of Ritalin.  It's play therapy to help your child "learn how" to deal with an over active brain instead of drugging it to where it can't think at all.

  2. Omg, what has the world come to? You are doping your toddler for what reason? Because you can't control him and his behavior? In my personal opinion there's no need to have a 4 year old on that type of medication.  

  3. WOW

    It is up to YOU to allow your son to take the stimulant. Doctors are not parents. They get paid to prescribe pills. They get kickbacks. Ritalin is one of the most popular drugs right now, as there is not a definitive test for ADD. Any energetic kid could get diagnosed.

    Ritalin has been shown in healthy people to cause brain functions very similar to that of psychotics. It is a stimulant. A powerful one. People actually crush it and snort it like coke.

    Bottom line: only when you have exhausted ALL options for behavioral modification in the boy should you allow a doctor to pump drugs into him. Trust your gut. If you're not comfortable, get him off it and pump up the discipline.

    I have seen perfectly healthy kids get put on that when all they need is supervision, time outs, or a swat. It's easier to say it's not the parents fault, and sometimes it is not, but too many times it is.

  4. my son started taking it when he was 3, at first i thought it was helping him but he started losing weight and refusing to eat, or even involving himself in activities. He was like a zombie.. If you think your child doesn't need it i suggest you don't give it to him. But the good part about it is that they focus more.. I think putting a child on it so young is not right, that is why i stopped given it to my son, and he is fine now. And he is really hyper.. best luck to you

  5. i thought this was not a real question until i clicked it, my feelings too too young for that medication, get a membership to the y , a good daily vit, try whatever you can before putting a young child on a mood altering med, new diet, stay away from dairy, sugar ect  please i find this so sad and disturbing i would even change doctors i could never trust a doctor who would prescibe such a medication to such a young child

  6. Ritalin is a horrible drug. There is o way I would place any child on it regardless of age. Ritalin causes severe issues with weight loss and appetite. I have known many who have taken it. If you want to see a 12 yr old boy wearing a size 7 pants this is the way to accomplish it. Im not joking. My brother was on Ritalin. He gained 3 pounds in 6 years while on it. When he was taken off the drug he started gaining weight and growing again. He was like a zombie 99% of the time while on the drug. And it didnt change his behavior. It masked it and caused more issues when he stopped. It is far better to teach a child to work within society and place reasonable expectations. If you start drugging a child so young your child will never learn how to control himself. I have a 9 yr old with ADHD, ODD and OCD. He has never been drugged. He has reasonable expectations and is expected to behave and contribute to society. Instead of masking his problems we struggle with them buut hold firm that this is the best course. Your child is only 4 yrs old. If you start drugging him with Ritalin at age 4 what med is he going to be taking at 12? at 20? and where does it end?


    may u should stop or not even consider this,i have a son and my doc said he needs to be on this med well i had him on for 2 weeks and omg what a mess he was ,,,,,,rather take ure son to a discipline class or if u are desperate get ure self  something at a health shop  .

  8. I was told i could have Thomas (pictured left)placed on this medication he doesn't sleep and is on all day ..There is no way i would want to zombie him out like that ..if the child doesn't sleep there is other things to try before resorting to Ritalin

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