
Anyone have a funny birthday party idea for a girl turning 27? Just want to do something funny!?

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Thanks so much everyone! Love love love the 80's ideas!! :)




  1. I dont know if this is funy, but it is fun!  You are my age and I used to go to the roller rink when I was a kid, and it would be fun to have a roller rink b-day party like the ones we had as kids!  Complete with 80's music and early 90's music, terry cloth shorts, etc!!!   have fun whatever you do!

  2. *first and foremost!!!

    Invitation: Print off pictures of Pac Man or a Rebuix cube.. make them on construciton paper.. use glitter!! lol

    and use words were used in the 80'scommonly.. "totally rad" "whoa dude" "dont be square"

    If i knew if you were watning to do this inside or out that would work better lol

    *DRESS UP LIKE YOUR FAV 80's cartoon, singer, and of course. you have to have big hair.. big bracelets everyhing was bigger and better in the 80's..

    *Make mixed cds with songs to give away as thank you gifts Or use these as the invitations :) .


    An easy choice of games is to play a game of 80's trivia. There are several available including Trivial Pursuit 80's edition.

    Jeopardy became a big hit in the 80's, and can be a fun trivia game.

    Play clips from 80's TV shows or movies and competing teams guess first what movie/show the song was from.

    80's karaoke is lots of fun and gets everyone laughing.

    Have breakdancing and Rubik's cube contests.

    Popular drinks for an 80's theme are Corona beer and wine coolers. Be sure to have soda on hand for the non-alcoholic set as well as water for all.

  3. 80's musical and costume party will be best for this. Try to buy some 80s popular cosutmes, hairstyles, ask guests to wear 80s popular dresses, also you can watch 80s block buster movies with friends... I found this site very interesting for birthdays and musical parties of 50s, 60s, 70s and 80s..

  4. My sister is turning 27 as well on july 2nd and she asked me to throw her An 80's party!! I think it is a great idea for any girl and would be a blast from the past!!

  5. Have a Lou for her. Play all Hawaiian music drink chi chis and pina'calodas. and give her a freash lea. Have a bunch of flowers everywhere and shell love it.

  6. If you want to mess with her, and the people you will see, you could do an "over the hill" party. We did that to one of our friends when they turned 28, and got all kinds of stuff that said "40" on it. Everyone kept coming up and saying "Wow you look GREAT for being 40!!!" It was hilarious.

  7. go to chuckie cheeses! lol

  8. You can get some decorations like of jokes... You can get some letters or something and make Happy Birthday, xcept take some other letters, like the capital O and cut it out so the p's will be two puddles of pee. You can also get some funky music and make like fake dancing cages like have one in front of a door, so when people walk in, they walk in a cage. Disco balls. You can play 80s music... Hope this helped!

  9. For theme party ideas and decoration, check

  10. don't throw her one!!! jk. take her to a boring thing

  11. 80's is always a good are some other ideas:

    mismatch - clothes that don't match. I wore a polka dot top with a pinstripe skirt, one pink knee high sock and one green, white sandals. we all looked mental

    inside out - where your underwear on top of your clothes, the more outrageous the better

    make believe - give everyone new names, backgrounds and jobs etc for the night and see who can pull it off the best. brilliant if you's are going out

  12. dress up really formal (gowns, heels, maybe a tiara for her?) and go out to eat.... at McDonald's. don't tell ehr that's where you're going, make her think you have reservations at a fancy restaraunt. it is hilarious all the looks you get from everyone when you show up. put a candle in a big mac instead of in cake when you sing happy bithday.<33

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