
Anyone have a good psychic experience?

by  |  earlier

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i just got out of an 8year relationship and i feel like thats not the end of us, however he fell out of love with me,so im not exactly sure. I just want to be sure. Thank you so much.




  1. No - I'm in control of my life - are you

  2. no...........its better being born again...

    humans dk the future...dont buy that

  3. no, i dont

  4. Well, once doing a rune casting for someone's birthday, she asked me just one simple question, "Tell me about my health."  I cast the runetines, and these were the following questions and answers (To show that I didn't "guess")

    Me: "You're worried about your eyes."

    Her: "yes."

    me: "you're going blind, and you're not going to the doctors."

    her: "Right"

    Another time i had a feeling a close friend of mine was going to commit suicide. I was close, she swallowed a full bottle of some type of pain killer.  Was puking for 2 days straight.  I get flashes here and there, not visions, more like .... imagine walking past a window or something and you catch a slight wiff of flowers, or a bbq, or someone's perfume as they walk past you, just a slight wiff.  I ... "smell" the future.  I dont know when its coming, i don't expect it, i can't control it except through runecastings, but just like a smell, you get that unexpected wiff and you instantly know what it is.  Same with me, i catch an idea of something and instantly know what it means.  

  5. This one time, I met a gypsy psychic... Well, she took the extra $20.

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