
Anyone have a problem with benefits for people who have fallen on hard times through no fault of their own?

by Guest55951  |  earlier

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Kathy S - you need to get that stick out.




  1. Not in the slightest as it is there for a safety net. What I do take issue with are the people scamming the system and believe that if caught these people should be jailed for a considerable time and are struck off from receiving any future benefits.  

  2. Poor l h

    What a boring life she must lead if she feels the need to make up separate accounts just agree with her own point of view

    If she's going to use a separate account she could at least try and adopt a different style of writing

    l h hitting Enter after every sentence is not good grammar

    You and Kathy S are one and the same

  3. Not if it's no fault of their own.

    If you're referring to previous questions then grow up!

    But a lot of people don't fall under your catagory.

    * why are you having a go at me? I just don't get why you're so hot and bothered, unless you're what they're talking about.

    Don't know why you're RANTING!

  4. No problem, because these are just the people that benefits were originally intended for.  In addition, none of us know when we may fall on hard times and need a helping hand!

  5. to answer your question no i don't have a problem with people needing a hand up in a time of need

    but the key is a hand UP not a live of hand OUTS

  6. nope

    not at all

  7. It's called unemployment insurance. And it is for a limited time only as it should be. I support that, but not much else.  

  8. No, it can happen to anyone!!

  9. l h, i thought you and your husband worked???, dont seem to work a lot to me!!!

    EDIT: what, so you thought you'd come on here and barrage all the innocent folk with your vicious rantings? you cant claim benefits you idiot, only MAT pay from your (supposed employer), if u really were employed you would know this!

    also you'll be claimin tax credits when he/she's born anyway!

    lh - I think you'll find that there is NOT anything else you can claim, (you couldn't claim housing benefit anyway because you're husband works!!), and your calling me thick, do some proper research before mouthing off.

    My wifes on maternity leave now, she's getting MAT pay from the company but you can get it from the government too

    If your getting £468 a month that means your claiming MAT pay from the government so how dare you. If your claiming MAT pay from your employer then again your a liar because you must be on a pitiful wage to be pulling in only 468 from them, you get a percentage of your wage as MAT pay when your on maternity leave so your a lying scumbag

  10. No I don't.

    Only people who use the system as an excuse for idleness.

    Only genuine claimants should be on benefits.

    EDIT - Craig T - you haven't read my previous answers properly. I'm on maternity leave you bozo. And have I been down to the begging benefits office? No.

    EDIT Dave's wife - same style as who? Whose account have I impersonated?

    It's called good grammar.

    Dave's wife - I don't know about anyone else but I put a line break between each sentence to make it easier to read. It's called plain English.  Otherwise people ignore half the sentence and make incorrect assumptions.

    Craig T - actually if I didn't own my own house I could claim housing and council tax benefit.  Getting £468 per month maternity pay (a huge decrease from my wage) does not mean I could pay rent and other bills.

    If you were at least competent in your argument, you'd know that maternity pay is not the only benefit you can claim during pregnancy.

    And yes, I do work - you're really rather thick aren't you?

    And to answer your last question no I won't be claiming benefits.  Although perhaps I should start thinking about popping out a few more kids then I could retire on the benefits...

    DAVE S -- again get your fact straight. In the UK you get SMP which is 90% of your salary for the first 6 weeks. It's then fixed at £117.18 for the next 33 weeks.

    I have a law degree so believe me I'm confident of my facts.  You have no choice about claiming SMP as the employer sends out the MatB1 to the government.

    So get your facts straight. I have nothing to prove on here!

    Enjoy your meagre life!

  11. It is too easy for people that 'have', to ignore the plight of those that 'have not'. Some of us fail to realize how easy it can be to become a victim of hard times...until it happens. I have absolutely no problem with finding solutions for people in need. My bigger issue is with how help is provided. Usually, it is through some bureaucrat-laden program that gives out just enough help to keep a person/family poor and in trouble, but never enough to get that person/family stabilized (I have trouble calling it 'benefit' because the term is so demeaning).  

  12. Hi,

    i worked fom when i left school, fell preg then wen i returned from my maternity leave i found i was pregnant again!! i was working in a nursery & became really depressed & on doctors advice was advised to leave my job as i would be a risk in my job! i tried to claim benifits which took 8months to sort out!! a few weeks after it was sorted i was ready to return to work!!

    it seems easier for people thats never worked to recieve benifits than those who have!!

  13. I definitely don't.

    I've posted questions on here before and received loads and loads of rude nasty comments.

    Some people on here ALWAYS assume before they know the facts. There are ALOT of VERY rude and judgemental people on this site.

    People who need to claim benefits, have a valid reason and who are entitled to do so should go ahead and not get criticised by other people. Where as people that just choose to claim benefits without a valid reason should be criticised.

  14. nope not me everyone may need help at some time in the life time,but we must put a limit on it  

  15. are you kidding, i had 2 kids 6/8 with no stove, no fridge, no car, my heat was cut off.  What did I do, I went and got a 2nd job. Never did I try to claim for benefits..

    This country is paying now for thousands of people who will not work.

    having one kid after another and expecting the state to pay for them.


    Fault, what is that?  you over use your credit cards, you refuse to work, you have so many kids you can't feed them.  SO JUST WHAT IS THAT WORD< FAULT    

  16. Your question is absurd. People fall on hard times all the time. That does not mean that we need to create an entitlement society of victims. This is exactly what the democratic party has done. If you are a person of color, a woman, hispanic, whatever, you fill in the blank, well then you must be a victim. People by and large fall on hard times due to their own choices. It is an undeniable truth in life that choices have consequences. When an innocent baby is ripped from it's mother's womb and thrown on a table to die, would you call that falling on hard times? If so, what"benefit" is afforded to it? Not much according to the pro abortion crowd. Hard times, outside of an unforseen catostrophic illness can usually be avoided.


    SO UK PARLIAMENT TAKE THIS AND SHOVE IT UP YOUR************ AND**********************

  18. As long as it is a hand up, rather than a hand out.

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