
Anyone have a successful career in holistic medicine/nutrition?

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I'm wondering if a career in this field is legitimate and possible. I am passionate about living this way, so having a career in this field would be a reflection on how I live. I have found some on line schools that offer degrees in Holistic Health, but I wonder if that will get me anywhere or would I need a degree or additional schooling elsewhere? I would like to work in a doctors office of some type, I'm considering Holistic Nutrition or Practitioner. Do these jobs even exist? Advice from someone who is successful in this field would be helpful.




  1. At my naturopath's office, theres the naturopath, obviously.  There's an registered nurse who is a Live Cell Analyst, and there's a Registered Holistic Nutritionish.  

    So based on these three, I'd say it's possible.

  2. That is a good question.  I am wanting to get my certification as a Holistic Practitioner.  I am a Reiki Practitioner and am planning on using what I learn towards that.  It really depends on what area you are wanting to study.  

    Holistic Practitioners are holistic healing professionals with a gift in one or more areas of healing. From body workers to homeopaths to hypnotherapists, the term holistic practitioner has become one that is often challenging to describe or understand. Hopefully this article will provide you with some clarity on what a holistic practitioner is and how to find one that meets your individual needs.

    Saying holistic practitioner is similar to saying doctor. While there are general practitioners that cross along many paths, most specialize in one or more holistic methods or areas. The main areas of specialization are body-centered therapists, energy-centered therapists, mind-centered therapists, soul and spirit-centered therapists, emotional release therapists, and coaches/counselors. All of these therapists strive to bring a greater quality of life to their clients. That may occur through inner balance, self-empowerment, physical ease, or even emotional confidence.

    One thing to realize is that many holistic practitioners work in many areas. In fact, it is usually challenging to limit a practitioner to one area. For example, a hypnotherapist may also be a chakra therapist, a bodyworker could also be a spiritual counselor, etc. Also, since the mind-body-soul connection is just that, connected, wherever you begin, be it in energy work, bodywork, or even the mind, you will find that all of you is affected by the work.

    The courses that I will take to work towards being a Holistic Practitioner are Usui Reiki Master (currently doing), Deepening Intuition, Life Therapy, Chakra Balancing & Spiritual Counseling.  

    I know that there are some hospitals in my area that are starting to have nurses train in Reiki, its beneficial for patients and helps them feel relaxed.  So again, it really depends on where you want to start and what you want to do.  I hope this helped.

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