
Anyone have a suggestion about planning for family to come up for birth of your child?

by  |  earlier

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i am trying to have my mom n sister come up here for the arrival of our son but i have never had a baby before n we are trying to figure out when would be the best time for them to come up here if they can only take like 2 weeks off of work. i was thinking of flying them up here the day of my due date but then what if he comes after that. my mom had both me and my sister 2 weeks late any suggestions?




  1. Why not have them fly in after the baby is born. Say the week of?

  2. i would suggest a week before the due date. only one out of my three kids were born on the due date. the others were a few days before. they probably won't let you go too far past the due date before they induce if necessary. you never know though, it can be very unpredictable. maybe wait till closer towards the date and see if you are showing any signs of labor. the doctor can usually tell if you are going to be delivering soon.  

  3. If you're trying to get a better airfare by buying it ahead of time, you could end up shooting yourself in the foot no matter what you do.  They could buy plane tickets to come up the day before your due date and stay 2 weeks, and then your baby not arrive until the day they leave.  Or your baby could be here a week or more early.

    There's no way to predict.  And frankly, you don't need company for 2 solid weeks when you've had a baby.  I know they want to see the baby.  But if they work and can't get flexible dates on their vacations, you're better off planning for them to come 2 or 3 weeks AFTER your due date.  You'll definitely have the baby by then.  If he's a week or two old before they get here, you and your husband will have had some time to settle in to this parent role.  You'll be used to the baby's preferences in eating and sleeping ... well, a little bit used to them.  It'll be easier to have your mom and sister help you once you know what help you need.  It isn't so easy when you're still struggling, your body is tired, your hormones are raging, your husband is useless ... and now your mom is interrupting you while you're trying to get the baby to latch on, or you need to pump and can't get your sister out of your bedroom.  Or you put the baby down for his nap and try to take your own and someone just has to go pick him up.

    Honest.  Have them wait.  You can deal with a baby on your own, you really can.  In a week or two, you'll appreciate having someone in the house a lot more than you'll enjoy it in those first days.

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