
Anyone have advice for me going into 8th grade!

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well i am going to montgomery middle and what should i do this year i want this to be "my year" and i want way more friends i want to do something big but i want to keep a 4.0(no i am not a nerd, dork yes but nerd no)i want to also do some sports!

any advice!




  1. have fun wit it.

  2. well i just finshed 8th grade and am going to high school and i had the time of my life. 8th grade wont have all the drama that other grades did cus nobody really cares and they just want to leave so it will be fun and you do sort of get special treatment with the younger students because some of them are slightly scared of you cus your older. and bout the sports i was on dance team and it was so fun cus you do become friends with them so i would join a sport. and have fun!!!

  3. Me and my friend are also going into the 8th grade this year.  We plan just to do our best and have a blast!  To make new friends I really just be myself and usually everything works out!  I am not sure about the schools near you but at my school volleyball is usually the sport were all the girls have tons of friends (but any sport works to making friends) and usually by the end of the year all the volleyball girls are friends - so thats more friends to!  I would just focus on being myself and doing my best!!!!!!!!!!!

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