
Anyone have advice on moving to another country?

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I currently live in California and I would like to move to the UK, preferably London, England. Would it be very difficult for me to make that kind of move? For example, getting a visa, or job, or housing, etc. Any advice from someone who has made this kind of move to another country would be really helpful.




  1. I would go and visit the place (London) that you want to move to for an extended period of time, like a month, so you know what it would be like and so you can make sure you would like it.  It is a lot different than you might think.

  2. The British embassy can help you with most of this question.

  3. It is extremely difficult.  If everyone who wrote into answers wanting to move to London, actually did it, London would cover the entire country!  Few people understand how complex  it is to move to another country.  Your first concern would be to get a work visa.  you must first find an employer and this means you need to be extremely well educated and have valued work there is no shortage of workers in the U.K.  You can research visa requirements at the sites below.  You also need to remember that the cost of living in the U.K. is much higher than in the U.S. and in London it is out of sight...and taxes there are much higher than in the U.S.  I have never moved to the U.K., but have moved to another country.  But since I do not need to was far simpler.  All counties want to protect jobs for their own citizens so make getting a work visa very difficult.  this is not the news most folks want to hear, but it is the truth.  It is actually much more practical to work in the U.S., save money, travel and visit places you are interested in...and when you retire ( on carefully saved funds), you may be able to retire abroad.

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