
Anyone have an easy way to remember the definitions of Longitude and Latitude?

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I do not need them defined I have trouble remembering which starts in Greenwich and which starts at the equator




  1. Latitude is like a ladder, vertical and longitude is just the other one!

  2. well i remember it by long as in up and down is longitude and laititude is the other hope i helpped answer mine plz;...

  3. I think of it as laaaaaaaatitude when I pronounce it. My mouth actually goes horizontally (think of horizon when you look at the sun setting at the beach). Longitude  goes loooong when I pronounce it. Hope that helps. I'm 22 and I thought of that when I was in 4th grade and never forgot it.

  4. You can know how LONG a LONGitude is because it starts at one pole and stops at the other.

    You can't know how long a latitude is because it just goes 'round and 'round to the east, and if you stop and turn around, it just goes 'round and 'round to the west.

    Or, all the LONGitudes are equally LONG, while the latitudes get smaller in diameter as you approach the poles.

  5. Longitude= Each pole and pole is LONG and cold

    Latitude= DUDE; east to west, the sun doesn't rest

    I hope that helps, I just made it up.

  6. Latitude, latter... up

  7. The earth is LONGer around the equator, shorter around the LATeral sides.

  8. y dont u just look at a globe

    what is the big deal?  Longitude is a lvertical main line that crosses thru Grenwich n latitude is a horiznotal main line that is also known as the equator

  9. Latitude is measured from the equator, with positive values going north and negative values going south. Longitude is measured from the Prime Meridian (which is the longitude that runs through Greenwich, England), with positive values going east and negative values going west. So, for example, 65 degrees west longitude, 45 degrees north latitude is -65 degrees longitude, +45 degrees latitude.

  10. i used to... does that count?

  11. oh i know!   its really easy.  remember longitude has "LONG" which means up and down   and then latitude is just the other way...left to right

  12. i learned that in 5th grade! longitude i think is the long way thats up and down, i think.... sorry!

  13. giving a "yes" nod coincides with the direction of longitide drawn on paper, a nod for "no" gives direction for latitude. is that good enough?

  14. longitude = long  up and down

    laititude = flat  its in the word

  15. Why try to remember some way to remember something when it's easier just to remember ONE thing?

    Just remember it as what they really are:

    Longitude north-south lines starting in Greenwich

    Latitude lines Parallel to Equator

    Why not just work on remembering the key facts and you will never forget either one.  If you just remember the two lines above it's only 12 words!!  You remember songs with more words, so you know it's easy to do.

  16. You might this is silly, :), but I remember then like this

    Latitude, which reminds me of altitude means up and down or the circles like the equator and moving up or down.

    as for Longitude....what a long walk it would be from the north pole to the south pole.

    Hope this help....


  17. I learned that in fifth grade....

  18. My teacher always told me

    LONGitude is long. and she would always say that long means it goes up and down.

    it sorta helped me.

  19. Remember latitude is sideways, like a lateral pass, and longitude is long, like up and down stripes on the globe are equally long.

  20. My teacher in 4th grade always said "Latty Fatty" because latitudue goes around th earth as if its measuring how fat it is. That has worked for me for years.

  21. latitude is flat - lat is flat

  22. Longitude rhymes with launch.  Think of launching a rocket from The Royal Observatory located in Greenwich which goes up in the direction lines of longitude run .  

    Latitude rhymes with ladder, so think of the rungs of a ladder paralleling the latitude lines starting at the Equator. You can climb the rungs up or down starting at any spot on the equator to get to the Poles.

    Hope this helps.  You have some good answers, but this is my favorite.

  23. long straight hair for longitude

  24. It's not hard to remember...

    Longitude: Horizontal

    Latitude: Vertical

  25. Most of these answers are correct but your request was for an easy way to remember.

    Lines of Longitude are all the same length. Thus they intersect at the poles.

    Parallels of Latitude (2 -t's) are of different lengths so they are parallel. Run east-west.

    Hope this helps.

  26. LONGitude goes East-West . Just remember, if you are in California, It's a LONG way to Tipperary

  27. latitude east to west.. longitude north to south.. that what i used! helps good luck

  28. Latitude= FATitude (width) left to right.

    -measured with north and south.

    Longitude=you can think of this as the other one. up and down.

    -measure with east and west.


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