
Anyone have an opinion on this question?

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No one is responding probably cause its long but this is the link;_ylt=AkL_PyFan.W_7.h4eUx4ZIXsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080829183948AA3XBe8

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  1. From what you posted I can't see how her friend came to the conclusion that she was leading you on. What promises did she make and lie about? Did she tell you that if you took her out she'd love for forever or did she promise to wash your dishes? If she was leading you on then she made you promises about things you'd get from her in the future only to get something from you now.

    From what you write it seems as if you had never met in person before, you had only been in contact through phone, text and IM. To imagine a person that you have communicated with in that way is one thing and to meet the person in person is another. Maybe she simply realized that the connection you had by phone and IM wasn't there in the real world. In such case the fault is not her or yours it's just one of those things that happen.  

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