
Anyone have any GOLF TIPS?

by  |  earlier

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I'm looking for tips in general.




-greenside bunkers etc....




  1. Swing through the ball on your drives and fight the urge to "kill" it.

    Always swing down on iron shots to get the ball up and produce backspin.

    Your lie in the rough will determine your shot.  One general rule is that you won't get any spin to stop the shot on the green so play it a bit shorter and plan for some roll/release.

    You have to think about just getting out of the bunker and nothing else.  That takes practice.  Hit behind the ball a few inches, keep your lower body still and your head down through the shot.  You want to hit the sand first, not the ball.  FOLLOW THROUGH.

  2. Heres a basic tip: AIM for the Hole.

  3. The best and only tip I can give you.....If you honestly want to improve your game.................

    (wait for it)...Lessons and practice....its the Only sure fire proven way to improve.


  5. all that you need visual

    just remember its a mind game

    and thers always somebody on the course playing worse than you


    You can get these by email also - section will be upgraded every month and these tips are given by a golf professional.

  7. try these sites as well as the book: The Seven Principles of Golf: Mastering the Mental Game On and Off the Golf Course.  It has really helped me play better

  8. You can't fix a problem that you don't know is there.

    1/ Video record your swing.

    Compare it with others you see in tornaments on TV, magazines, help books

    2/ dip your ball in water before you hit it at the driving range

    That way you can see if you are hitting it in the center of your club head. Slices and Hooks are from hitting the ball off center.

    3/ Best way to fix problems is with a pro lesson or 12. Once you learn it, you can practise on your own without having to unlearn bad habits.

    PS: you didn't include Putting. I hope that means you have mastered that. That is where the money is won and lost.

    Below are some sites for other tips

    Good luck

  9. dont try hitting it hard just make sure you get good contact then add power. Go to a clinic if you need to get better

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