
Anyone have any advise to give, on how i ate today?

by  |  earlier

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Im on a diet, and im a vegetarian,no fish or eggs. I am learning lots about nutrition but would like to see if anyone has any new ideas.

So today i had, and will b having..


Cup of flax plus granola cereal with soy milk

half a grapefruit

cup of green tea

3 muntigrain crackers with goat cheese


10 baby carrots with one table spoon of hummus

cup of edamame w a dash of sea salt

One mini baby bell cheese

one small green apple

Cup of green tea

seltzer water


Steamed collard greens, baby broccoli, stringed beans with a table spoon of olive oil

Slice of avocado w black pepper

Green tea



herbal tea

and throughout the day i will drink about 1 and a half to 2 liters of water.




  1. Protein:

    goat cheese (how much?) 1 oz has 76 calories, 54 are from fat.  A serving has 4.1 grams of saturated fat)

    hummus (how much...hummus has 435 calories in a cup, but it is high in "good fat" and fiber, so not totally a bad thing)

    Baby bel cheese (70 calories, of this, 50 calories are from fat; saturated fat 4 grams)

    Edemame (high in "good fat", 189 calories per cup)

    How much soy milk did you put on your cereal? Make sure you are getting enough :)

    I would recommend less cheese, if possible. Cheese is good, but high in fat.  Edemame is a good choice for a vegetarian source of protein.  I am not a nutritionist, so I don't know what other foods you'd need to eat to make your proteins balanced.


    1/2 grapefruit (good!)

    1 small apples (good!!)

    snack...unnamed fruit

    This is a good represenation of fruit for the day

    Veggies:  Carrots, Collard greens, baby broccoli, and string beans.  

    Good...try to have 5 servings of veggies a day, if possible.  You may have more !:)


    Flax cereal (very good choice)

    multigrain crackers (multigrain is good)

    You should have 4 servings of whole grain carbs when losing have a couple more servings of good whole grain carbs

    Green tea, herbal tea and water are good choices for beverage.  Be sure you get your 8 servings of water during the day.

    You are on the right track, but if you can have more lean protein (like your edamame if you are a vegetarian) and less cheese, that would probably be good.  I've heard tofu is another good thing to incorporate into your's lower in calories than cheese and has less saturated fat. ;) Try to limit your cheese to one serving a day, if possible, while losing weight.

    Edit: You're right to be worried about calcium, but skim milk, nonfat yogurt, and other nonfat dairy would be better than cheese.  Cheese isn't bad, per se, but when trying to lose weight you should try to limit your fat intake, particularly "bad" saturated fats ; )

  2. dont eat cheese you get fat is healthy breakfast even better with out the cheese

  3. You really like tea.

  4. You need to watch to make sure you are getting enough protein.  Add some nuts and beans.  Don't give up the cheese.  You need some calcium too.  Add yogurt and cottage cheese to give you calcium and protein.  You also need some carbohydrates. You are not eating enough calories for a healthy body.

  5. Yikes that would NEVER fill me up!

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