
Anyone have any cool short ghost stories?

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Anyone have any cool short ghost stories?




  1. My dorm at school is haunted, and the volume on my TV is always going up and down by itself.  This morning I woke up at 6:30 because my computer turned on and my printer started printing something.

  2. one time at my friends house, we were walking downstairs and all of a sudden we noticed in her sisters room the door was moving back and forth and then all of a sudden her hair brush just like fell/flew like halfway across the room (her sister wasnt home)


    one night at the same friends house we were all sleeping (me, her, and her parents) n then all of a sudden from the second floor we heard the basement sliding door slam shut, we all freaked out, so her dad went to investigate, well he said the door was locked, about 2 hours later it happened again only this time it sounded like it shattered, he went down there again and it was closed and still locked, and this time he freaked cuz he heard voices.

    ** Another one at the same friends house, one day me and her were watching tv, she had a sliding glass door in her dining room (not the same from before) and one day it wasnt windy or anything and all of a sudden the sliding glass door came crashing down to the ground. basically just fell off the side of the house. scary!

    im completely convinced that house was haunted!

  3. Boooooooo!

    Yeah,once when i was asleep i heard foot steps outside my house and dare not get up look,now the foot step sound become worse and it had also a jingling sound with it.i collected my nerves and opened the door and looked out,but there was nothing outside and i still don't know what made that sound,and i don't believe in Ghosts though.

  4. Once, when I walked past my bathroom, the toilet flushed on it's own - it was super freaky!

  5. when i was first married and my daughter was six months old, we lived in an upstairs apartment. three rooms, i kept my babies playpen in the living room and her crib in our bedroom, one night my husband and i were awakened by loud purring, shocked we both saw to our amazement a huge cat sitting beside our bed, just then the playpen"empty" thank god , flew across the living room and slammed into the wall, our neighbors heard the crash and rushed over, we told them what had happened and the playpen moved across the room again, we spent the night at our neighbors and moved shortly there after, both couples in fact.

  6. in my house in the dominican republic the radio always turned the volume high and low  on its own

  7. My husband and I stayed at a hotel once that we later found out was known for being haunted. I was getting irritated and kept complaining to my husband because the lights outside the room wouldnt go off and I was trying to sleep. Suddenly the lights went off and we saw this woman appear at the end of our bed. She kept pacing back and forth and wringing her hands. She would walk to the fireplace mantle and look at this bag that had empty chocolate wrappers in it and then walk toward the bed and back again.  It was freaky. She was kind of see thru but not. Also at the same hotel, the pictures change. My husband told me this and I told him he was delusional, but then I realised he was right.

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