
Anyone have any cool stories about how they told there guy they were pregnant or kool birth stories?

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Just curious i just found out recently im pregnant




  1. well... i had s*x with my fiance.. then i decided to tell him when we went out that night. so i went to his house early nd found him having s*x with another woman. then i ended up giving birth at a strip club in the ladys room.  

  2. Well my husband kept telling me how beautiful and radiant I looked.  A week or so later, I took a test and found out I was pregnant.  It was late at night and my hubby was asleep.  So, instead of waking him, I waited until the next morning.  When he awoke, I said "good morning DADDY."  He smiled and talked forever about how excited he was.  It was a moment I obviously can't forget.

  3. me n my partner ad been trying to get preg for yrs i was taking tests all da time anyway 1 month my period was late i brought a test waited until my partner ad finished work i went into da bathroom did my thing an sat there waiting next minute theres two lines i could feel my face going so hot i started shaking oh i was so excited i went to run in da room where my partner was (he was on da comp) as i was going out my sister started talking to me so i sed hold dat thought ive gotta talk to joe so i went out looked at joe and ad dis huge grin on my face walked ova to him and showed him da stick oh his face was priceless he started crying and he started hugging me he was on cloud nine we both were hehe

  4. my husband and I have found out both times together (he was in the bathroom with me)

    my sis in law told her husband when she was pregnant with number 2 by handing him the cat litter scoop and was like-

    your back on duty and walked away lmao!

  5. My husband was out of town on business when I found out I was pregnant...  I waited ALL week!  When he returned, I had a plaque "A Tribute to my Irish Father" and a claddagh baby braclet waiting on the counter.  I cracked him a bud light... watched while he read it a few times.  Finally... he looked at me and asked "Are you pregnant?"

    Congratulations to you both!

  6. Well not really good tell the daddy story but an interesting Birth story. I was pregnant with my 2nd child and felt labor start.. My 1st was born in 2.5 hours so I knew I needed to get to the hospital which was an hour away. We picked up my dad since he was an EMT just in case and took off.. it was Nov so there was snow on the ground but since I could tell she was already almost here my husband drove 90 on the highway to the nearest town and then 100 to the town that had the hospital. When we got into the town we were still speeding and saw a state patrol guy so we flagged him down and right as he came to talk with us I had another contraction so he gave us an escort to the hospital. We got there and up to the room and immediately I told them I need the Dr with in 2 Min's they had the Dr and carts in there and I told him I need to push he looked at me and said ok since he could already see her. 3 pushes and she was here the whole process took a little over an hour. Scary but at least I didn't go through 20 hours of labor like some women.  

  7. well with my second one i took three test and put them next to my bed so when he came in the room in the morning he could see them. i handed them to him and said i was pregnant and he staired at the wall for 30 minutes. this was his first. now we have 3 plus hoping for #4. find out in a couple days. congrats

  8. When I was pregnant with my son I wrote invasion imminent on my stomach: ) Hoping we conceived invader #2 this month.

  9. 1st pregnancy he was with me when I found out, but my 2nd pregnancy my son and I went to his job and I told my 3 yr. old son tell his dad mommy has a baby in her stomach, so he says to him "Daddy, Mommy ate a baby today" lol, my husband didn't get it so I ended up showing him the pregnancy test to unconfuse him.

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