
Anyone have any good ideas for places/things do to for first dates in Ottawa?

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Anyone have any good ideas for places/things do to for first dates in Ottawa? Besides movies, drinks, dinner...the usual?!?!




  1. Fishing I dont know its a guess

  2. Providing it's a nice sunny day, explore the byward market! The heart and crown on clarence had a great patio for drinks. I think it's still there.

  3. My first date with my fiance, we went for a walk through Major Hill's Park on Parliament, and had dessert at Oh So Good (17 York Street, in the market). It's a really relaxed atmosphere, and on a weeknight, it's not too busy. They also have the best cake in the city.

    Thursday nights La Bottega in the Market (55 George Street) runs Italian cooking lessons, whch are always fun.

    You could try doing a sport together, such as yoga or disc golf in Gatineau at the Jacques Cartier Park (it's like golf but with a frisbee).

    You could also go look at galleries other than the National Art Gallery, such as Snapdragon on bank Street (in the Glebe at Third Avenue), or Ken Ross Gallery. Snapdragon has monthly showings from different artists in the region.

    Also, if you're creative you could try the Mud Oven (Bank and Sunnyside) or Gotta Paint (Kirkwood and Richmond in Westboro) and paint some ceramics, which is fun, but daunting if you're not creative.

    Hope these ideas help! Good luck!

  4. on a bad day the war museum, the museum of history... cross the footbridge it's just a stroll you can visit the museum of civilisation...that can keep a family occupied for 3 hours.. and you get to cross to Quebec... just 10 minutes walk on the footbridge connects Ottawa with Hull in Quebec.. Quebec is the only French Province in Canada but 50 % of Ottawa people speak both English and French.. on a nice sunny day... walk up to Parliament walk around the back and you can take fine photos... and see the stray cats on the hill and you can go into the Parliament buildings on a guided tour or get a guided bus ride that shows and explains the nices places in can get off and stop at a place that interests you most.. just keep your ticket.. it won't run get another bus back into the city....when you are ready... you can hop on and off those buses once you have paid... or go on a boat on the Ottawa river.. it also goes on the cross over and see some sights but for seeing a lot of the city a bus tour is more worthwhile.. the boat bus that goes on water and on the road is just fun because it's unusual...

    xx go see the bazaar at Byward market it's in the heart of the city...

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