
Anyone have any good recipes using these veggies??

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I have Two heirloom bell peppers( i think they are cuz they're blackish purple) 2 or 3 Decent sized zucchini's alot of yellow squash, tomatoes, corn, a few green peppers and some cucumbers....any help would be good It's filling up my counter space and I need to get rid of most of it soon!!!!




  1. If you have enough tomatoes, then you can make gazpacho (cold tomato veggie soup).  It's particularly nice in August, and you could put all of those other vegetables in it.

    Otherwise, stir fries are a great way to use peppers, squash and tomatoes.  You can boil or steam corn on the cob and just eat it straight.  One of my favorite ways to eat squash is to saute it with onions in olive oil until everything is caramelized; it takes a while because of all the water in the squash, but  it's delicious, especially with some parmesan and/or pine nuts on top.

  2. u can make a veggie lasangna.  Instead of the noodles, u slice the squash and zuchinni lengh wise.  Grill them for better flavor if you can.Grease the bottom and side of a glass baking dish.  cut the zuchinni and squash lenth wise. dice up the peppers, tomatoes,and cook with the corn until it is a chunky sauce.  be sure to salt, pepper the diced veggies when cooking and add fresh or ground garlic.  If you have onion u should definately add that to the sauce.  next, layer the squash and zuchinni and cover with the tomatoe sauce mixture, then sprinkle parmisian cheese over it and ricotta cheese. then continue the layer again.  make sure you have enough sauce for the last layer for the topping.  Bake in the oven for 35-45 minutes.  Have a side salad like garden or cucumber salad.  It is so good and carb friendly too.

  3. chop up, saute in EVOO season with fave seasonings, and serve over rice or pasta Or add some chicken or veggie stock and make a soup,

  4. All of them except the cukes grill great. Just slice(leave tomatoes & corn whole) and brush with your favorite marinade or melted butter and hot pepper flakes until they get good grill marks.  The corn will take longer and the tomatoes get done really fast and may burst so you have to keep an eye on them.

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