
Anyone have any good revenge ideas? Pranks perhaps?

by  |  earlier

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This girl spread rumors about me and school, and I really want to get back at her. I'm seeing her at a party in 2 days. So I need something that will crush her ego, BAD!

I doesn't matter if the prank is really hard to do... as long as its possible :)




  1. ifs it a pool party push her in and act like you were joking and whisper rude things in her ear and then she will react and then say what? Liar! I would mever do anything like that!!!!!!!!!

  2. Ok this is hard. Don't allow yourself to be provoked, keep cool if you have real friends they will not believe rumors, talk to your friends to quash the rumors but don't retaliate. If people come to realise the rumors are false what do you suppose they will think? Good luck.

  3. Take food that's hard to wash out and throw it on her shirt.

    But pretend that you tripped.


  4. Kick me poster on her back?

  5. spread a rumour about her at the party?

    i dont know.. revenge isnt the way to go.. you might get into serious trouble if something happens.

    But good luck..


  6. How about  this. You warn her: "You're for it. I'm really gonna punish you and you'll never know when, where, or how."

    Then, you do -- nothing. Just let her sweat, never knowing when it's over.....

  7. if she sits on a chair and gets up and you think she might go back to it put something red on it like ketchup so when she sits back down itll look like shes on her period

  8. let her be the bad guy and you be the good guy. your revenge, although it may take a while, will be her seeing you are the one with true friends (because you don't treat people badly) and she will have envy

  9. Murder her.



  10. Nair in the shampoo... for a girl. Very venge full. Works great if it is a sleep over. You can also do the hand in warm water trick it is supposed to make you pee yourself and will if you don't use the restroom before you go to bed.

    You could always bring some of the bath bombs to the party in some sort of a candy dish and offer her one (make sure they are ones that smell like fruits rather than soap.) When she is around talk to your friends about this great little candy shop you found that has those giant sweet tarts you get from the mall at it. then offer it right after. She will think you are bragging and take one. Say you brought some for the part because you love them; claim they are great and she has to try it herself! When she eats one it will start to foam.

    * I think washing he mouth out with soap is proper punishment for spreading lies.

    (I did this to my sisters boy friend when I found out he wasn't treating her well it was really easy. I talked to a friend of mine who is a nurse and she said that it was safe and at the worst they would have to use the bathroom alot later that night.)

  11. i m a fan of embarassing stories & pictures... but IDK if that will work here...

    try to bring out the worst in her & expose her for what an @$$ she is... that always works well...

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