
Anyone have any good riddles?

by  |  earlier

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Anyone have any good riddles?




  1. yes!

    try these :)

  2. I am red, I am jelly, what am I?

  3. I am a grapefruit all yellow and round.

    For breakfast I'm eaten but not always found.

    My first in in celery but not in grandad,

    My second in wine but only when bad,

    My third from a flower all bright and colourful,

    The fourth from a chimney but not so wonderful.

    My whole is forever, bright like a rainbow.

    What am I, who could know?

  4. When there is fire in me then I am still cold; When I own your true love's face then you will not see me; To all things I give no more than I am given; In time I may have all things and yet I may keep nothing

  5. ………………..,-~*’`¯lllllll`*~,

















  6. A whisper without noise,A groan with no voice

    A sigh with with no sigher, A cry with no cryer

    P.S I know that sigher and cryer are not words,but it's obvious what they mean.

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