
Anyone have any ideas about what is wrong with my daughter?

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My daughter is 6 years old and has been running a low grade fever on and off for several months and now she keeps getting nose bleeds. Im really worried so Im taking her to the dr. Before I take her does anyone have any ideas about what it might be? I just want a heads up so I can be prepared in case it's serious.




  1. Sounds like a sinus infection.

  2. scinus infection/allegies are the most lilely...exposer to cocanine also fits the symptoms....but not likly in a 6 year old

  3. she can have a infection

  4. Nose bleeds in young children are quite common and look worse than they are.

    However Fever is not common unless

    accompanied by a cold of some type.

  5. Cold, infection, allergies, allergic rhinitis, or so many other possibilities. Try a humidifier for the nose bleeds. It could be dry air. The doctor is the best choice.

  6. My son had this problem for what seemed like forever. He eventually had to have his tonsils and adenoids removed. He no longer runs a temperature all of the time but he does still have nosebleeds. Have your pediatrician refer her to an ear nose and throat specialist. If she has had these symptoms for this long she will probably benefit from surgery. As for the nosebleeds keep her nostrils moisturized with Vaseline and put saline drops in them.

  7. it could be an infection, i started reading this question, and i swear i got a nose bleed. i swear

  8. It could mean soooo many different things.

    I get them sometimes because the air in my house is so dry.

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