
Anyone have any info on scorpions [as pets]?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, first off, I don't have one of those enormous black scorpions. I believe it is a...

Paruroctonus silvestri

LOL. I found him... her... whatever... out on the driveway last night, and it is unusually big, so i caught it. First of all, what kind of things should i put in his cage? I have a medium sized fish tank with some dirt out of a bag (the kind you lant things in) [Excuse my lack of descriptiveness.], there are some dry leaves in there that it can dig under, as well as a half of a coconut shell. I lack 'pure' sponges to put in a bottle cap for water, so if i could have some assistance on that, that would be good.

Anyway, the main problem I have is what to feed it. I know small insects, but im worried the few kinds i can find would be harmful to the scorpion. as in... poisonous. I can find lots of ants, but i know better than to put those in with the scorpion. the only other things i can find are weird black worms and weird bugs that roll into a ball. Advice?




  1. 1. The leaves are not necessary, and just clutter up the cage with decaying matter.  I would remove them.  If you want extra decor and cover, put in a plastic plant.

    2. Put in about 2-3 inches of potting soil, but make sure there are no artificial fertilizers or insecticides of any kind in it.  The half coconut shell is ok, but a half-buried clay planter would work better.

    3. <I lack 'pure' sponges to put in a bottle cap for water>  Good, keep it that way.  Get a peanut butter jar lid or something of about the same size (3" diameter by 1" depth) and put it in there, then put a rock in the center so crickets won't drown.  Sponges will breed bacteria.

    4. Food.  Go to Petco, some other pet shop, or even a bait shop and get a few crickets.  Most places charge about a dollar a dozen or less.  Feed it once a week.  Don't feed it anything wild caught, even though your scorp is wild caught, since those could contain pesticides or parasites.  DO NOT feed it ants.

    5.  Keep it in a relatively undisturbed and shady area of your house and it will be a happy scorp.  Since you caught it outside, then it should do fine with the temp and humidity outside.  Just try to match the temp and humidity with the temp and humidity outside. Enjoy

  2. Go to a pet store and get yourself some crickets.

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