
Anyone have any information about working on farms while travelling around Australia in a Van? :)?

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Me and a few friends really want to buy a van, and travel around australia, stopping off at farms, and working to fund the trip. Has anyone done this? Know where i can find where the farms are? How do we get work? Where can i buy a cheap van from? Any information about anything to do with this would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.




  1. Hey,

    The best way is to follow the seasons for fruit picking.  To be honest, most of these jobs are cash in hand(no tax, no insurance, no guarantee), and include food and accommodation.  It's not as glamorous as you'd think...but I have had a few friends who did it whilst traveling and had a blast, got really fit and made a little bit of money.

    Check the website below, search online for "fruit picking Australia" or get a fruit picking location book when you get here.

    Finally, referrals are the best way to get a job.  They'll often just hirer you when you get there, so if you hear of a good area to get work in a farm, you can just show up, and assuming you're in the right season, they'll hirer you!

    Good luck!


    If you would like to be an unpaid greeny hippy.

  3. Yeah as they have already said, fruit and vegetable picking is a great way to see the country and meet alot of new people.  I live in the area of Stanthorpe in Qld, it is a popular place for backpackers that are wanting to travel and work in rural areas. Look up some backpacking web sites, that may give you a few good ideas.. You'll need to work hard as fuel does not come cheap anymore!!  Have a great time whatever you decide to do!


  4. The government is trying to develop a web site for exactly that called Harvest Trail. They have also introduced two year working visas (2x1) because of the demand for workers in the rural sector for what you want to do.

    To buy a van, that will get you around Australia in one piece might not be cheap, unless your very very lucky and it's good mechanically. Stick to looking in the local classified of newspapers, trading post, quokka, or other advertising paper.

    Use a car dealer if you want a warranty.

    If your not Australian then read this:

    If you are planning on a 'working holiday' you must be from either Belgium, Canada, the Republic of Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong SAR, the Republic of Ireland, Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Taiwan and the United Kingdom. This will let you do whatever you want for 12 months. However if you do seasonal work for a primary producer in an eligible regional Australian area for a minimum of three months while on your first Working Holiday visa, then you may apply for a second Working Holiday visa (another 12 months). The requirements are the same as for the first visa, except that applications can be made while you are either in or outside Australia. Applicants must have evidence of their seasonal work. (I.E: paid tax)

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