
Anyone have any surefire ways of catching mice. I had twenty and I have maybe two left. They avoid traps.?

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I caught all of my mice by setting out a garbage can with the lid open. I placed it near my sofa and the mice crawled right into the can. I put them in an aquarium and three got loose. When the weather turned nice, I let them out near a stream. The three mice that got loose, had babies. We caught all of the babies, but only caught one of the adults. Now we have two more adults to catch. We have tried catching them by hand, the garbage can method, using a have-a-heart like trap and those glue boards. They are very smart and avoid all traps.

The only thing I have left to try is mouse poison. Anyone have any experience catching mice or any other ideas?




  1. Get a cat. I always know when I have a mouse because she camps out in one spot and then later I find the dead mouse.

  2. The best stuff is Ratrid poisoned corn, or whatever they sell like that in your neck of the woods.It's a green colored corn,which you can put into jam jar lids,and leave in places where the mice run around.It causes severe dehydration and mice get out of your home real fast.

  3. have a heart traps with peanut butter in them

  4. Always use peanut butter. If you aren't feeling particularly sensitive and caring, bait one trap with peanut butter then surround it with unbaited traps. It's not a happy ending for the mice but it works.

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