
Anyone have any tips for an easier transisiton to a toddler bed for a two year old?

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My daughter is two and we just bought her a toddler bed for her room. She is only two, but she is very strong and tore her crib up. We cannot afford another crib, and think she is big enough for a big bed. Its only been two nights, last night she did really good, but she still hasnt taken a nap on it or gone down easily. Im wondering if anyone else has put their 2 year old in a toddler bed and how they handled it.. Thanks!




  1. removeable bed rails or chairs to make sure she dosent fall

  2. We did the whole Nanny 911 thing where we would sit next to the bed and not look at him. It comforted him just to know we were there. If he got up we would kiss him and say "night night" and put him back down. Each time we got up we moved a little closer to the door. It seems ridiculous but I've done it with both of my boys and it worked!

    The first day was rough, the second day was a little easier and by the 3rd day he went to sleep like a champ.

  3. For the first couple nights, I'd sit there with her until she falls asleep.  Or I'd put on a movie turn off the lights, and tell her it's time to go to sleep.  She might fuss a little, but it's all worth it in the end when shes sleeping in her bed and not in yours.

  4. my daughters 4 and 3 had toddler beds for a little over a year! they are now in "big girl beds" but taking them out a crib was wasy.. the hard part was they could get in and out whenever they pleased.. so i put a baby gate up in the door way of their room and it solved that problem! Noe they have bunk beds.. even though they both sleep together on the bottom.. those beds will last forever!

  5. I have always put my children straight to a twin bed.  They have done just fine.  My oldest I had a day bed with a trundle that I pulled out a bit in case she fell out.  Then her sister slept on the trundle.  Neither of them fell out, so I put the rest in a regular twin with out rails or anything.  The cost is higher, but eventually you will be buying one.  

    What we have done is put up the big bed and leave up the crib.  Naps are taken on the bed, and night sleeping is in the crib.  Then at the end of a week we have them sleep at night in the bed.

  6. I agree with skipping the toddler bed and going with a twin bed.  I put my 2 year old son in one when he was 14 months, we tried a toddler bed a couple of times at his grandma's house but he hated it.  I figured since he was able to climb off our queen bed so I figured a twin would be fine.  We never did get around to putting the rails on and he hasn't had any problems.  When I first put it together, I had him take a nap in it.  I laid down with him for a few minutes, he looked to be fine and slept for a while in it.  That night and ever since, he has doen great.  Of course he still has momemts when he doesn't want to sleep or has a hard time through out the night but that would happen no matter what bed he was in.

  7. I think you should skip the toddler bed all together and put her in a twin bed. She will be fine-and its not too high off the floor.

    I have placed both my 3yr old and 1 1/2 year old in a twin bed and it works fine for them.

  8. I actually bought my daughter a toddler bed but she didn't like it so I bought her a twin bed with removable railings she liked it more because she was so used to sleeping in a regular bed with me. to get her to sleep in her own bed I took her with me to pick out bed sheets and decorations for her room. she loves disney princess so I got sheets and rugs and lamps things that just put the whole room together so she would enjoy her room. now her toddler bed is used for her dolls and bears ( she puts them to bed too!) lol.

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