
Anyone have any tips for my XBOX 360 to stop overheating?

by  |  earlier

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Ok,my Xbox 360 overheats about every 30 seconds. I used to use the Intercooler, but not anymore because i heard that it was not good. Anyone have any tips or ways to stop it from overheating???

-Shank you




  1. every 30 seconds?

    sure whatever do i know you're not a ps3 user trying to make the 360 look bad? lol

    but anyway i do what the gut above me does, minus the fan and stuff.

  2. Have it flat, not standing and have it in an openish space so air can circulate from all sides and prop it on a book or some other such thing that is slightly smaller that the xbox so air can get through the vent holes on the underside. Also try not to play on it for excessive lengths of time but have some breaks to let the xbox cool a little, you could also just get a regular office type fan and just have that blowing on it when you play.

    Hope that helps as it works for me, if not try the xbox forum. You also put shank you, not thank you. I hope that was a typo and you're not going to stab me.

  3. 1. get a cooler (they work)

    2.when your not using it lay it on its side

    3.get a new xbox

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