
Anyone have any tips on training a young ferret not to bite?

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She is only play biting but sometimes she bites too hard but i dont think she means to. Any tips on how to break her of this?




  1. when she bites you scruff her and hold her mouth closed and say sternly "no biting"  

  2. they make products  like bitter apple spray  or this other stuff is called ferret tone it is like a treat you can train him to l**k  instead of biting  just put a little on your hand if he starts to bite  and the sour apple stuff it to also help with him biting on other things as well as your hands/ fingers you can get it  at a local pet store  

  3. don't flick its nose if your going to work the ferret, they are very sensitive. just pinch it on scruff of neck. constant handling does wonders, wear a tough glove on the hand you hold the ferret in, I'm not saying a big gauntlet just a glove. talk & stroke it.

  4. When the ferret bites firmly (but not hard) grip the fur on the back of the neck (support the bum) hold eye contact and say no. Hold until it yawns/sighs (sign of submission) then hold the ferret a bit longer, if you put it down straight away it will think that if it bites it will get to go down.

    Bitter spray helps, spray it on hands, let it dry and handle the ferret normally, when it bites do as above, but it will have the added effect of training the ferret that hands dont tasty yummy

  5. my sister has a little male ferret whom she just recently got to stop biting too hard it still will always play bite cuz that's how they play.

    if it bites, pick it up by the scruff look it in the eye and say a firm 'no' do not yell, just a firm 'no' will do. and do not hit the ferret, although I have heard a flick on the nose works.  

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