
Anyone have any tips to avoid awkward moments?

by Guest63703  |  earlier

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Being in high school I've experienced many awkward moments and I'm pretty sure more is yet to come. To name one of my worst awkward moments, after saying bye to a kid I sort of know at me locker(I only know his name because his locker is right by mine) we both parted our own ways(at my school hallways are kinda in a square formation, with stairs at two opposite corners). Apparantly me and this guy took different routes to go up the same staircase, I don't know him very well so it hard to strike up a conversation, especially after saying "goodbye" to him like a second ago. What made matters worse was we went down a long hallway together to get the class. I can't even explain how excruciating the awkward silence that felt down that hallway, which seemed like it was never going to end. After we got down the hallway we both said "bye" again and took off, only again to find out we were heading the same direction. At this point I had no choice but to pull the "Oh..I'll tie my shoe trick".




  1. It is more common known as typical social anxiety and is quite common at your age.  It is something that will pass.  You can think of a topic such as the weather, or perhaps an event at school, or a type of music or TV show or anything just to perk up a topic.  It takes one moment to start a conversation.  Just because it doesn't work the first time you should still try again.  It may just be a "guy" thing and after you get used to one another you'll be chatting it up like pals.  Good luck!!

    Peace & Love :)

  2. Try this:

    If you see a person once, soon after saying "bye," simply nod and smile, and then go about your business.

    If you see a person more than once, soon after saying "bye," ask, "Are you stalking me?" and then laugh and go about your business. If that's not your style, say "Whoa!" or "Dude!" or something.

  3. maybe hes not g*y

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