
Anyone have any unused credit codes for build a bear ville

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Anyone have any unused credit codes that they haven't used at buildabearville. I will give you 12 pts.!! 10 for best awnswer 2 for awnswering!!




  1. Laura Thompson

    Are you seeking for a legitimate lender from the internet? My name is Laura, from Edmonton Alberta.please i want to advice you to beware of loan from the China and any part of Malaysia because they are all scammers. I have been scammed over 6 times until i came across a loan company from United State. They are so wonderful and serious minded company. I would advice you contact them if you need a loan of any kind(personal or business) because i got a loan from them without any stress after meeting their requirement. Their contact info is: or


  2. does anyone have an unused code to bring a bear to life i threw mine out and then my friend told me about this game


  3. i1anit2giveing3you4my5mycode

  4. 12258500091731 it does work beacouse i havent used it and my sparkly snow leapord and if it a bear is 15 credits and i put a sound so its now 89 storecredits soooooooooooooooooo enjoy and heres my account alexafuzzybear471 do you think ill give my reciped code and account and i have 6395084933 stoore cred. and my sis has 8007890288374925230 store cred. and we share our account haha you guys are stoupid

  5. please may i have some?
    i have never had a rare item in my whole life on buildabearville!
    i sware to GOD i am telling the truth!!!


    ------>>>>>  email me please?

    aaliyahyourock1178 on buildabearville bye!    peace!

  6. if u have an unused animal id email me at
    ill trade with u and give u 1000 bear bills for at least 3 store credits. my username is candybearycool68

  7. i have not telling you though but guys if you have to charecters you can use the credits again but not on same charecter did it last night it orks onestly

  8. 8X27T946C2CQ

    This is brand new, it arrived yesterday.

    This is stupid, a guest picture, and before it put me, a girl, as a boy!!!!!

  9. 8X27T946C2CQ

    This is brand new, it arrived yesterday.

  10. email me ill give you some

  11. i got a build a bear and i used the codes already



  13. it might not work anymore


  14. yes my friend gives you lots of credits she has 100 credits her name is violahugs78 send her a friend request and tell her that milly c sent you byeee x hope this helps

  15. alright I think it works i found it in my bedroom

  16. nope sorry!

  17. no but i went to babw and bought ten for $10 and u cand bufive for5 and 20 for 20 and 50 for 50 and 100 for 100

  18. 86880338864947666

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