
Anyone have creepy paranormal experience stories?

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I've got a little writers bloc for a short film I'm writing and then directing. it has to do with the paranormal, its going to be a first person, home video style movie. so I figured I'd get a little inspiration from the true stories of whatever anyone on here might have.




  1. .....and there on the car's door handle was.... A HOOK!

    Why exactly am I doing your work for you.  I own this stories copyright and will require creative control, my own trailer, 7.5 back end points, merchandising rights, and retain ownership of publishing rights to this and any possible sequels in perpetuity throughout the universe.

  2. A couple of years ago I was sleeping in my sisters room and I saw something walk across the room and disappear, scared me soo bad because I was young. And recently, I had my door open and then it shut to wear it was cracked open and then a few seconds later it closed all the way. I think I have a ghost in the back of my house. : //

  3. I kept haveing visual immages for a year off and on, which I inturrpted as my death.

    When I sat at my son's grave, about a year after I had starting the visual permitions, I realized that I had the premition of my son's death.

    The visual picture I saw in my mind was nearly perfect with the reality. The realization that I had the premission was very spooky, Especially as I sat there with the hand of an X boyfriend on my shoulder. Off in the grassy area was  my boyfriend who was pearched to keep an eye on me. Sitting a few chairs down from me was my son's dad, my X husband. In my premition I knew that there would be three men at the gravesite from my present and past. I wasn't given the premission of who, just that there would be three of them. And there was!  Very creepy.

    My son sets off my alarm clock when it is on off. It seems to happen when I need to hear from him. It doesn't scare me. It just amazes me.

    For your film I would suggest you not put in gutts and gore. That isn't paranormal. The anticipaiton of the unknown and the twists and turns in a film have more power than seeing anything chopped up.

    Take some time and check out some of the old  classic movies like..

    Vertigo. now my brain is blank, there is a man in the 50 and 60's who had a tv show and why I can't remember. geesh I will edit this is a remember..

  4. this has nothing to do with science! dude! but my advice is watch white noise* good luck  

  5. Well, let's see, this happened when I was a little girl, living in the house with my mom and my older brother, who is away for college, I'll try to make this short as much as I can, I could/would never forget it.

    It was Friday night, mom's supposed to be coming home from San Francisco sometime that night. I came home from the party, for some reason, that night, instead of sleeping in my room, I slept in my brother's room, right across my mother's room (hallway).

    My room is next to the living room, away from the hallway.

    The outside has a porch (wood) with a wooden gate, so you can hear it loud when it's being slammed.

    Anyways, around 2am, as I was lying on my brother's bed, along with my dog, I heard the gate slammed, footsteps on the porch just like my mom's, so I was telling to myself that mom's home.. opened the front door, and slammed it, went straight to my room, I know because I heard my closet being open and then slammed, like she was looking for something, went straight to the kitchen, (chairs have wheels) I can hear chairs maybe being organized or something, wanted to get out   of the room to check in with my mom,  'cause I figured that the reason why she's making all those noise is that she thought that I wasn't home. My dog was just sitting by the door whining, wanting to get out to greet my mom.

    Five minutes later, it gotten so quiet, wandering why my mother hasn't come in to the hallway to go to her room or at least check my brother's room to see if I'm in there. So I said to myself, well, maybe she fell asleep in the couch, I'll just check with her tomorrow morning.

    Morning came (around 9am), I woke up to see my mother, she was nowhere to be found, again, thinking maybe she got up early and went to store or something. Luggages or bags were nowhere to be found either, of course another logical explanations, thinking maybe she just left in the truck.

    Around 10am, I heard a truck pull up, opened the door, it was my mom, so I asked where've she been?

    She said, just coming home from San Francisco, with my surprise, I asked to myself, so who was making all those noise last night then, and why for some reason I have decided to sleep in my brother's room that night?

    Till now, I have often wandered what would've happened if I had come out of my brother's room or if I would've slept in my room that night?

    All I could always think of is, someone was watching over me that night.

    Later find out from a friend who knew the person who used to own the house has hunged himself in my mother's room. Hmm...


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