
Anyone have depression advice

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Hello. I know for a fact that I am dealing with clinical depression. I know I need help and I am eager to seek it. I just don't know where to begin. When I think about it I get extremely anxious and overwhelmed. What is the first step? Obviously I need to see a doctor, but what type of doctor? Do I go to my normal physician and have him send me to a psychiatrist? Or do I just skip the middle man and go straight to the therapist? As you can see I've done a lot of thinking but I just don't have any answers. I would like some advice and support from someone who has gone through this or known someone who has. Thank you so much!




  1. I know this sounds wierd, but my advice would be to go buy the album called 90125 by the band Yes. Listen to the song "It can happen" because it can.

  2. You have taken the most difficult step already..realizing you need help. Good for you! and you have a very good question. Most family practice (regular) doctors are perfectly qualified to diagnose and treat depression, however the Psychiatrists and Psychologist actually have a little more training in this area. I think you should check with your regular MD first, just call them and ask if they have a Mental health specialist that you can see as a self referral.

    I have a 16 y/o son with severe depression and he is finally getting better, it's taken 2 medications and counseling also, but he's pulling out of it and he started the same way as you just realizing that he needed help (and I'm so proud of him) and of you for taking this very important step! Best of luck to you!  

  3. call a psychatirst thats what i did. you will feel so much better. i knew i was depressed for almost 10 years til it go to the point i wanted to end my life. someone actually called for me and made me go to the appointment. after a little while on meds. i was kicking myself for not calling sooner

  4. You might want to see a professional depending on how depressed you are  

  5. JJ,

    When I became extremely depressed and anxious, I found a psychotherapist who also is a nurse practitioner so she is able to write out prescriptions for me.   I not only discuss my mental issues with her but ask questions about my physical being.  She makes me feel comfortable like we are two friends sitting down having a chat.   Look for someone who can help you and accepts your insurance.  Don't wait on this, it will only make your anxiety worse.  Know that you are not alone. Better days are ahead.  Good luck. :)

  6. I have to tell you that you are doing the right thing seeking help.  Call your insurance company and see if you can self refer yourself to a psychiatrist.  It is best not to have a primary care doctor handle depression because they just are not all that skilled.  A specialist is better.  

    I have to tell you that I feel so much better after seeking help.  I used to cry all the time, now I am on medication and do not feel that way.  

  7. do what makes YOU truly happy.. and you'll find happiness in it..

  8. well you could start with your doctor. at the very least he should be able to recommend a professional.

  9. You have already taken a wonderful step in seeing that you have a problem and wanting to do something about it.  Depression is the most common and most undertreated psychiatric problem in the world.  It is also highly treatable.  In seeking treatment myself I have found that my first step is in calling my insurance company to find out what type of coverage I have and if I need prior authorization from my primary care doctor.  With my particular plan I don't.  So I have gotten names from the insurance company about which providers in the area are contracted with my plan.  The other thing is if that you trust your regular doctor you can call him or make an appointent to see him and he might be able to let you know of any mental health professionals in the area.  I will strongly suggest that if you do consult with your primary doctor do not allow him to treat you for the depression, allow someone who has a specialty in mental health treat a mental health condition.  I mean I wouldn't go see a podiatrist if I had an ovarian cyst, so stick with the people who have been trained properly.  Also if you know anyone who has been in therapy you can ask them if they are aware of anyone who is good in the area.  I know that I have a wonderful therapist and I have given her name out on more than one occassion and she has been helpful to a few people I know.  A happy patient/client is going to be your best bet in finding someone who is good.  If you have any questions please feel free to email me. I wish you luck and please be assured you have a very treatable illness.  Kuddos to you for reaching out for help.

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