
Anyone have dreams of for seeing the future then forget them and when that moment happens you recall the dream

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Anyone have dreams of for seeing the future then forget them and when that moment happens you recall the dream




  1. that is called memory construction.  sorry to say this, but you dream something that vaugely referred to that moment, and then the moment triggers that lost memory, and you remember that you dreamed that event when you really didnt.  confusing but true.  happens to me, i googled it.

  2. Yah, on Yahoo! on the news thing you know, it said that humans can see a glimps of the future sometimes like for 10 seconds or something like that.

  3. it's happens with everyone...If you believe Indian Philosophy they say everynight during the sleep there is a time when you don't dream infact there are no taught in your mind and it is not longer than 2mins..but most of us remain in that state max 1min..that is the time when you are coming out from that state that is the time you see the future but it's so momentary that you cannot retain it....if you try to know more about it read a book of a great master Patanjali who has explained everything about dreams...

  4. One time I asked this guy (bob) out and he was suposed to tell the next day and that night i dreamed me and him were running and he told me not to trust him or I might get hurt but I held his hand anyway and then he tripped and i fell over him and broke my jaw.... And anyway the next day my best friend texted me and told me that bob told her he loved her and then I told her about that dream and i think it kinda symbolized that he was going to hurt me only in the dream it was physical and in real life it was mentall.....

    so yea...

    btw the guys name's not really bob...

  5. I remember having a dream years ago where I was over looking a giant field of grass and a play ground.

    A year later I went to a new school and when I went outside, I saw the same exact thing, the weather was the same too. And I knew it was from that dream in that instant.

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