So about 8 months ago i dreamt that my bf had another baby (i knew she was ttc) and the baby was about 6-7 months old and I had planned a girls trip for her bday bc i knew the baby was old enough for her to be okay about leaving him.
I found out the next month that she was pregnant. Then I had another dream that i had a baby and her baby was about 9 months in my dream and I also remember waking up and thinking about august.
2 weeks ago I dreamt that I was at the grocery store and bought a pregnancy test and took it and it came out positive.
Then last night I dreamt that I took another pregnancy test (it had 2 in one type of thing) on the first one the nurse said it looked positive but my body couldnt decide if it was pregnant or not because the horizontal line kept moving and then the second test showed that it was positive. I remember thinking that i need to stop second guessing myself and realize that i am pregnant. weird huh.
The last time I had a pregnancy dream was june of 2001. I totally remember because I dreamt i was at the maternity ward at the hospital and i was in labor and there were all these pregnant ladies screaming because they were in labor too. I had one of my friends with me and she had a little boy (he looked like he was 8-9 months old) on her hip with tons of dark hair. That friend was pregnant for real but she didnt know if she was having a boy or girl. I also worked with her brother so when I got to work that day i told him that i dreamt his sister had a boy (i didnt say i dreamt i was preggers) he was like, oh man she had a boy last night. Then the following january I got pregnant (not planned) and it totally made me think of that dream.
So i had my iud out in june and my period was two days late last month so i not quite sure when it should come this month, maybe sun or mon. My friend gave me a pregnancy test that her hubby got from the hospital. I was thinking of taking it friday. But I dont know I dont want to waste it cuz its really sensitive.
Anyone else have those kind of dreams and you really were pregnant?