
Anyone have drowsiness as a side effect of Prozac?

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Hi all,

I'm not sure if I'm incredibly tired all the time because I'm pregnant or because I started taking Prozac 2 months ago. I'm 15 weeks along in my pregnancy and thought I'd be getting energy again, but I'm still always tired! I'm wondering if Prozac is causing my fatigue???

On the bottle it says may cause drowsiness. Did anyone else experience fatigue after taking Prozac for 2 months? I would think this side effect would go away after the first few weeks on the medication.

My ob/gyn prescribed the Prozac so please know I am taking it under medical supervision.




  1. Prozac is a proprietary medicine (owned by an individual pharmaceutical company) and its generic name is Fluoxetine (this is

    the main or active ingredient in this medicine)

    As with other medicines, this medicine also causes some side effects such as, confusion, yawning and impaired concentration.

    Side effects do generally decrease as you take medicines over long periods of time but this is not a must.

    If you feel that drowsiness is affecting your daily lifestyle in a negative manner then speak with your ob/gyn or your GP who can then collectively prescribe you an alternative medicine that can help you with your condition and have less or no side effect concerning drowsiness.  

    Hope this helps

  2. Hello, I can tell you for a fact that so many people are taking the medication with out inform by the physicians that all the drugs have tons of side effects.

    I have patients that have taking Prozac and one of the side effects are drowsiness.

    Check in your own maybe a search in the internet the thrut side effects if you don't find them email me and I send you what it said in our reference book.

    Good luck to you hope your feel better.

    Dr. Salgado

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