
Anyone have eating problems?

by Guest32883  |  earlier

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I have issues with eating. I dont throw up or purposely starve myself but I do tend to make eating my last priority. I clean the house, cook for the rest of the family,wash the laundry,go out and run errands, do some shopping. I get the kids to their soccer games, boy scouts. I attend school functions. Everything normal. But I dont sit down when I start getting hungry till I get really bad stomachaches. What am I doing to my internal organs? Dont get me wrong, I do eat, look normal. Just I dont eat lunch till dinner and sometimes dinner for the next days breakfast. This is not everyday but it is at least three times a week.

What am I doing to my body?




  1. I'm assuming that means that you are skipping meals often.  And you only mentioned breakfast, lunch, and dinner.  So you're having 2 meals a day sometimes, since you move lunch to dinner?

    That isn't very good for you.  You most likely aren't getting all the nutrients you need or enough food.  You should be eating 3 small meals and 2-3 small snacks a day to speed up your metabolism and get all the nutrients you need.  

    Try and make some time to eat, even if you have to eat in the car.  Make sure you're constantly drinking water throughout the day.  

    Best of luck!

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