
Anyone have experience selling unlocked mobile phones??

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What are some legit distribution companies for unlocked cell phones? Or possibly small electronic gadgets such as ipods? Anybody have experience selling this stuff on EBAY??




  1. I know someone who sells phones through all major cellular phone providers.  Unlocked phones you only receive one time commission off from a distribution.  I would suggest going with locked phones.  The cellular providers give you a percentage of everyone's billings that you provide the phone for and either upgrade or extend their contracts or put them on a new contract.  Every month these people pay their bills, you make a percentage every single month.  From experience in what I've seen in this industry, you make a lot more money this way, then one time sales.  You can also collaborate with companies that sale other electronical gadgets as well.  If you'd like some more information on this industry and a way to go about it, here's a blog that I recommend you looking at that can help you out.

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